1. Technology
    1. you know
      1. technical issues
        1. key to success
      2. in-depth understanding
        1. domain
        2. pertinent technologies
      3. development methods
      4. modeling techniques
    2. you do
      1. identify & address
        1. architectural challenges
      2. create & assess
        1. models
        2. alternative approaches
        3. prototype
      3. experiment
      4. simulate
      5. prepare
        1. architectural documents
        2. presentations
      6. analyse
        1. technology trends
      7. take
        1. system viewpoint
    3. you are
      1. creative
      2. investigative
      3. practical/pragmatic
      4. tolerent of
        1. ambiguity
      5. willing
        1. backtrack
        2. seek solutions
          1. multiple
  2. Business Strategy
    1. you know
      1. organization
        1. business
          1. strategy
          2. rationale
          3. practices
      2. competition
        1. products
        2. strategies
        3. processes
    2. you do
      1. influence
        1. business strategy
      2. prepare
        1. technical
          1. vision
          2. strategy
      3. understand
        1. customer
        2. market trends
      4. capture on architecture
        1. requirements
          1. customer
          2. organizational
          3. business
    3. you are
      1. visionary
      2. entrepreneurial
  3. Organizational Politics
    1. you know
      1. key players
        1. what they want
          1. business
          2. personal
    2. you do
      1. communicate
      2. listen
      3. network
      4. influence
      5. vision
        1. sell
        2. keep alive
      6. take and retake
        1. pulse of
          1. influencers
          2. critical
    3. you are
      1. able to
        1. sell to
          1. multiple viewpoints
        2. see from
      2. confident
      3. aticulate
      4. ambitious
      5. driven
      6. patient
        1. and not
      7. resilient
      8. sensitive to
        1. power
          1. where it is
          2. how it flows
  4. Consulting
    1. you know
      1. elicitation techniques
      2. consulting frameworks
    2. you do
      1. build relationships
        1. "trusted advisor"
      2. understand
        1. developers
          1. what they want
        2. architecture
          1. what it needs
      3. help
        1. developers
          1. see
          2. value of
          3. architecture
          4. understand
          5. how to use
      4. mentor
        1. architects
          1. junior
    3. you are
      1. committed to
        1. success of
          1. others
      2. empathetic
      3. approachable
      4. change agent
        1. effective
      5. process savvy
      6. good mentor
      7. teacher
  5. Leadership
    1. you know
      1. yourself
    2. you do
      1. set
        1. team vision
      2. make
        1. decision
          1. stick to them
      3. build teams
      4. motivate
    3. you are
      1. charismatic
      2. credible
      3. you believe
        1. it
          1. can be done
          2. should be done
        2. you can lead
          1. efforts
          2. broader context
          3. business
          4. personal
      4. you see
      5. committed
      6. passionate
      7. dedicated
      8. people see
        1. you
          1. leader