Conceptions of Salvation
Details on Which Conceptions of Salvation Differ
- The Time Dimension
- Nature and Locus of the Need
- The Medium of Salvation
- The Direction of Movement in Salvation
- The Extent of Salvation
- The Objects of Salvation
Current Conceptions of Salvation
- Liberation Theologies
- Existential Theology
- Secular Theology
- Contemporary Roman Catholic Theology
- Evangelical Theology
The Antecedent to Salvation: Predestination
- The Historical Development of the Doctrine
Differing Views on Predestination
- Calvinism
- Arminianism
- Karl Barth
- A Suggested Solution
- Implications of Predestination
The Beginning of Salvation: Subjective Aspects
- Effectual Calling
- The Logical Order: Effectual Calling, Conversion, Regeneration
- Repentance
- Faith
- Regeneration
- Implications of Effectual Calling, Conversion, and Regeneration
The Beginning of Salvation: Objective Aspects
Union with Christ
- The Scriptural Teaching
- Inadequate Models
- Characteristics of the Union
- Implications of Union with Christ
- Justification and Forensic Righteousness
- Objections to the Doctrine of Forensic Justification
- Faith and Works
- The Lingering Consequences of Sin
- The Nature of Adoption
- The Benefits of Adoption
The Continuation of Salvation
- The Nature of Sanctification
- Sanctification: Complete or Incomplete?
The Christian Life
- Union with Christ
- A Relationship of Friendship
- The Role of the Law
- Separation
- The Salvation of Old Testament Believers
The Completion of Salvation
- The Calvinist View
- The Arminian View
- A Resolution of the Problem
- The Meaning of "Glory"
- The Glorification of the Believer
The Means and Extent of Salvation
Views of the Means of Salvation
- The View of Liberation Theology
- The View of Sacramentalism
- The Evangelical View
The Extent of Salvation
- Varieties of Universalism
- Evaluating the Case for Universalism