1. Conceptions of Salvation
    1. Details on Which Conceptions of Salvation Differ
      1. The Time Dimension
      2. Nature and Locus of the Need
      3. The Medium of Salvation
      4. The Direction of Movement in Salvation
      5. The Extent of Salvation
      6. The Objects of Salvation
    2. Current Conceptions of Salvation
      1. Liberation Theologies
      2. Existential Theology
      3. Secular Theology
      4. Contemporary Roman Catholic Theology
      5. Evangelical Theology
  2. The Antecedent to Salvation: Predestination
    1. The Historical Development of the Doctrine
    2. Differing Views on Predestination
      1. Calvinism
      2. Arminianism
      3. Karl Barth
    3. A Suggested Solution
    4. Implications of Predestination
  3. The Beginning of Salvation: Subjective Aspects
    1. Effectual Calling
    2. The Logical Order: Effectual Calling, Conversion, Regeneration
    3. Conversion
      1. Repentance
      2. Faith
    4. Regeneration
    5. Implications of Effectual Calling, Conversion, and Regeneration
  4. The Beginning of Salvation: Objective Aspects
    1. Union with Christ
      1. The Scriptural Teaching
      2. Inadequate Models
      3. Characteristics of the Union
      4. Implications of Union with Christ
    2. Justification
      1. Justification and Forensic Righteousness
      2. Objections to the Doctrine of Forensic Justification
      3. Faith and Works
      4. The Lingering Consequences of Sin
    3. Adoption
      1. The Nature of Adoption
      2. The Benefits of Adoption
  5. The Continuation of Salvation
    1. Sanctification
      1. The Nature of Sanctification
      2. Sanctification: Complete or Incomplete?
    2. The Christian Life
      1. Union with Christ
      2. A Relationship of Friendship
      3. The Role of the Law
      4. Separation
      5. The Salvation of Old Testament Believers
  6. The Completion of Salvation
    1. Perseverance
      1. The Calvinist View
      2. The Arminian View
      3. A Resolution of the Problem
    2. Glorification
      1. The Meaning of "Glory"
      2. The Glorification of the Believer
  7. The Means and Extent of Salvation
    1. Views of the Means of Salvation
      1. The View of Liberation Theology
      2. The View of Sacramentalism
      3. The Evangelical View
    2. The Extent of Salvation
      1. Varieties of Universalism
      2. Evaluating the Case for Universalism