1. Bailey Mitchell
    1. Forsyth Schools, GA • "unbundled" digital curriculum
      1. community has been supportive of technology
        1. extende school year
        2. extend school day
        3. extend access to content
    2. Are print textbooks a thing of the past?
      1. they have their own textbook warehouse
      2. Holt Miflen istheir corporate partner
        1. want to develop a personalized learning ...
          1. what is it called?
        2. Unbundled content
          1. A recommendation engine that looks at activities that have worked well with other students
      3. want to elliminate the SIS
        1. SIS is Data Driven Decision making
    3. What about Digital Ones?
      1. they put in interactive white boards
      2. used digital flip charts
        1. (who developes the digital flip charts)
          1. Community of sharing
          2. power shared is power multiplied
      3. believe that all students should be connected
      4. BYOT
        1. it is disruptive
        2. teacher pays less attention to tech and more on the activity
        3. Students are engaged with the privaledge
      5. Biggest use of learning management system is after school
        1. how do we get it moved back down to the school hours...
        2. Do you really need to...
      6. Also dips down toward the end of the week
      7. They subscribe to as much in digital content services as they can (NETTreker)
      8. two full time people (math & Language arts) making learning objects for their systems
        1. they work with teachers
      9. started dveloping soft chalk lessons
      10. Teachers access with Angel a learning managment system
        1. Learner Market Place
        2. driven partly by recommendation system
      11. Content from HMH will own the content, and they have to pay for it
    4. Who should be the creators of educational content
      1. Publishers?
      2. Teachers?
      3. Students?
    5. What sorts of online experiences are the most powerful ones for learning?
      1. use Board 80
      2. High school likes notebooks
      3. Students take responsibility for their own learning experience
      4. "Man the play ground relations are a lot different than they use to be"
  2. Rob Miller
    1. New Canaan, Ct • use of social media & collaborative learning
    2. Are print textbooks a thing of the past?
      1. It it's the wrong question (digital or print)
        1. Should be about the work of learning
      2. "The word textbook hijacks the conversation."
    3. What about Digital Ones?
    4. Who should be the creators of educational content
      1. Publishers?
      2. Teachers?
      3. Students?
      4. He said often that students used Diigo --
        1. They consider textbook as a secondary source
        2. They use it as a library for collected digital resources (collaobrative Space)
    5. What sorts of online experiences are the most powerful ones for learning?
      1. Did a case study for doctorate on using connectivism for learning
      2. Together we can learn and construct more knowledge
      3. Example:
        1. Students did web site about country using diggo for research
        2. then they read each other's websites and provided feedback to each other
        3. majority of comments were about content
          1. These are things that we both learned together
        4. students read comments and then refined their sites.
        5. teachers said that students learned much more deeply
      4. Example:
        1. students use facebook as medium to collaborate in their work
        2. teacher has evidence that students are better researchers
          1. explain
      5. Example:
        1. students found videos of authors of books they were reading
      6. Example:
        1. performing arts, digital arts
        2. asked to create portfolios
        3. posting to vimeo and another one
          1. comment on each other's work
        4. researching art history and students are making videos about their learning
          1. they're doing independent research
          2. connecting with real artists
          3. students become the teachers "a classroom of teachers."
        5. the empact is major
          1. what is the impact
      7. Example:
        1. students are researching countries
        2. they interrupt class and say, "Here's what's happening in my country today."
      8. Example:
        1. using data in science -- becoming scientists
      9. Example:
        1. five sections
        2. students put in virtual workgroups, not to work with each other online only
        3. Subtopic 3
      10. why do you have to have the technolgy to do these things?
        1. Removes the traditional boundaries
      11. You need to be able to talk about the work of learning
  3. Samsung
    1. Their work with publishers
    2. Are print textbooks a thing of the past?
      1. going toward schools without walls
      2. Transitions from textbooks to digital content
        1. is it the right transition
      3. It's not a transition of content
        1. it's a transition in how learning happens.
    3. What about Digital Ones?
      1. Both pilots are with Tablets
      2. HMH piolot is about teachers
        1. Data collection
        2. Assessment
      3. Pearson project is about students
        1. thematic
          1. Ex: Art history in certain time period
          2. Core subjects
          3. Math
          4. Language Arts
          5. History
          6. Science
          7. Ex:
          8. Going to a museum
        2. Want to creat interest and enablement
        3. Professional development throughout the project
          1. Starts with tech
          2. then the rest of it is a tool to enable teaching and learning
        4. Second part of the year is more subject areas (not interdisciplinary)
        5. Then let some teachers and students to take it home and push the posibilities
    4. Who should be the creators of educational content
      1. Publishers?
      2. Teachers?
      3. Students?
    5. What sorts of online experiences are the most powerful ones for learning?
      1. Today's students learn differently
      2. They learn collaborative
        1. use to be cheating
      3. everyone is a teacher
      4. Access to the Internet is a huge issues
  4. Cathy Higgins, NH
    1. Digital Resources Consortium
      1. trying to map out education for high schools for today's kindergardeners will need.
      2. took their part of Speekup participants from NH
        1. Want to address the desires and styles of their current students
      3. Want to create a shared vision
      4. They've created a blog which is just now starting to get populated
      5. Created a survey
        1. Know they have distructis that are using Moodle or Ceki
          1. already know how to collaborate
    2. Are print textbooks a thing of the past?
    3. What about Digital Ones?
    4. Who should be the creators of educational content
      1. Publishers?
      2. Teachers?
      3. Students?
    5. What sorts of online experiences are the most powerful ones for learning?
  5. Eric Conti & Patrick Larkin, Burlington MA
    1. Textless Resource Collaborative
      1. Massachuestte Digital Publication Collaborative
      2. 7 or 8 districts
      3. invited teachers to come in course by course
        1. History teachers developing e-publications
      4. brought in folks from Apple and other intities.
      5. want to develop a public repository of course content developed by teachers
    2. Are print textbooks a thing of the past?
    3. What about Digital Ones?
      1. think we can save money by doing away with "textbooks"
      2. High quality
      3. Useful
      4. Menu
        1. growing
        2. improving
    4. Who should be the creators of educational content
      1. Publishers?
      2. Teachers?
        1. Want to pay our teachers to develop their own resources
        2. becomes a living a breathing document
      3. Students?
    5. What sorts of online experiences are the most powerful ones for learning?
  6. Some other quotes
    1. Rather than being data driven, we should be innovation driven
    2. Setting up a student-based help service is more about communication than about technology
      1. Look for learning benefits in every decision and policy
    3. learning is not something that happens to you, it happens inside of you
  7. Report Out
    1. Does
      1. Have a sesne of what's already out there to plug into
        1. Research what's available
      2. It's not a transition from paper to digital -- it's a transition from one type of learning to a multitude of new ways
      3. Creat a culture of collaboration among teachers
      4. Design choice into the resource/library/collaborative
      5. Pay attention to all efforts to create a common formate for learning objects
      6. Design Collaboration
      7. Include learning opportunities into policies and decisions
      8. Design so that professional development takes place in the same place in the same way
    2. Do Nots
      1. Try to do it all, based on one vision