1. Old Testament
    1. Law
      1. Genesis
      2. Exodus
      3. Leviticus
      4. Numbers
      5. Deuteronomy
    2. History
      1. Joshua
      2. Judges
      3. Ruth
      4. 1 Samuel
      5. 2 Samuel
      6. 1 Kings
      7. 2 Kings
      8. 1 Chronicles
      9. 2 Chronicles
      10. Ezra
      11. Nehemiah
      12. Ester
    3. Wisdom
      1. Job
      2. Psalms
      3. Proverbs
      4. Ecclesiastes
      5. Song of Songs
    4. Prophecy
      1. Isaiah
      2. Jeremiah
      3. Ezekiel
      4. Lamentations
      5. Daniel
      6. Hosea
      7. Joel
      8. Amos
      9. Obadiah
      10. Jonah
      11. Micah
      12. Nahum
      13. Habakkuk
      14. Zephaniah
      15. Haggai
      16. Zechariah
      17. Malachi
  2. New Testament
    1. Gospels/Acts
      1. Matthew
      2. Mark
      3. Luke
      4. John
      5. Acts of the Apostles
    2. Letters/Epistles
      1. Romans
      2. 1 Corinthians
      3. 2 Corinthians
      4. Galatians
      5. Philippians
      6. Ephesians
      7. Colossians
      8. 1 Thesalonians
      9. 2 Thesalonians
      10. 1 Timothy
      11. 2 Timothy
      12. Titus
      13. Philemon
      14. Hebrews
      15. James
      16. 1 Peter
      17. 2 Peter
      18. 1 John
      19. 2 John
      20. 3 John
      21. Jude
    3. Revelation
      1. Revelation of John