1. Hiemstra, R. (2013, January 1). Self-Directed Learning.
  2. What is it?
    1. Individual learner
      1. Responsibility of
        1. Planning
        2. Implementing
        3. Evaluating
      2. the effort
    2. Self-direction
      1. exists to some degree in every person and learning situation.
      2. Not necessarily mean all learning will take place in isolation from others.
    3. Self-directed learners
      1. Able to transfer learning, in terms of both knowledge and study skill, from one situation to another.
    4. Self-directed study
      1. self-guided reading
      2. study groups
      3. internships
      4. electronic dialogues
      5. reflective writing activities
    5. Teachers' roll
      1. Dialogue with learners
      2. securing resources
      3. evaluating outcomes
      4. Promoting critical thinking
    6. Institution support
      1. Open-learning programs
      2. individualized study options
      3. non-traditional courses
  3. History
    1. From Classical antiquity
      1. Greek philosophers, Alexander the Great
    2. 1840 USA
      1. Craik documented Self-education
    3. 1859 Great Britain
      1. Smiles published "Self-help"
    4. 1961
      1. Houle's observations
      2. Goal-oriented Activity-oriented Learning oriented
    5. 1975
      1. Tough published "Self-directed learning"
    6. 1977
      1. Guglielmino developed Self-Directed Learning Readiness Scale (SDLRS)
    7. 1979
      1. Tough published "The adult's learning projects"
    8. 1984
      1. Spear and Mocker showed the importance of learner's environmental circumstances in promoting self-directed learning.
    9. 1987
      1. Long and his colleagues established an annual International Symposium on Self-Directed Learning.
  4. Concepts
    1. Self-planned learning and learning projects
    2. Autonomous learning
      1. self-managing learning efforts
    3. Autodidaxy
      1. self-instruction
    4. Self-education/ self-directed learning
    5. Open learning /individualized study
      1. Non-traditional programs
  5. Research
    1. Instruments for measuring some self-directed learning
    2. Self-directed learning readiness
    3. Qualitative in nature
    4. Implications and techniques for facilitating self-directed learning
    5. Coherent self-directed learning theory is still not available
  6. Towards a Theory
    1. Long 1989
      1. self-directed learning in terms of , and dimensions.
        1. sociological
        2. pedagogical
        3. psychological
    2. Candy 1991
      1. Dichotomy between self-directed learning as a process and as a goal
    3. Brockett and Hiemstra 1991
      1. self-direction
        1. Internal
        2. External
      2. Connection between self-directed learning and learner self-direction
      3. factors
  7. Usefulness of Approaches
    1. Challenges associated with keeping current on constantly changing knowledge.
    2. Learning can take place only in the presence of accredited teachers.
    3. Learning responsibility back to learners.
    4. Personal responsibility for learning decisions.
    5. self-directed to cope with the enormity of information.
  8. Controversies
    1. Brookfield 1988
      1. Research on self-directed learning is unwise because of its inadequate theoretical base.
      2. Research on self-directed learning up to 1988 had been carried out mainly with middle-class, white subjects.
      3. Research on self-directed learning had been primarily quantitative in nature.
    2. Field 1989
      1. Guglielmino's (1977) SDLRS, is difficult to use with certain groups, without appropriate validation, and both conceptually and methodologically flawed.
    3. Candy 1991
      1. Absence of a consistent theoretical base, continued confusion over the term's meaning, and the use of inappropriate research paradigms.
  9. Trends and Issues
    1. Confessore and Confessore's (1992)
      1. Research on the feasibility of self-directed learning meeting some job-related training needs in industry (Ravid, 1987).
      2. Better understanding the role of technology in self-directed learning (Brockett and Hiemstra, 1991).
      3. Better understanding environmental factors (Spear and Mocker, 1984).
    2. Future Research Issues
      1. Test conceptual ideas like the PRO (Personal Responsibility Orientations) model (Brockett and Hiemstra, 1991), and other emerging ideas to ensure the evolvement of a theory of self-directed learning.
      2. Better ways of incorporating computer technology and electronic communication to create more distance education programs.
      3. How competencies necessary for effective self-directed learning are developed? How the quality of self-directed learning resources can be measured?.
      4. Find ways of measuring and maintaining quality in self-directed learning.
      5. Find roles for educators and educational organizations in relation to self-directed learning.
      6. Evaluate the value and effectiveness of self-directed learning.