1. Soft skills
    1. BusinessBalls.com
    2. SelfGrowth.com topics
    3. General motivation
      1. Og Mandino
    4. Relationships
      1. http://changingminds.org/index.htm
    5. Memory
      1. MindMaps
        1. http://cmap.ihmc.us/
        2. http://www.members.optusnet.com.au/~charles57/Creative/Dilip/index.html
        3. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Mind_Mapping_software
        4. http://www.imindmap.com/articles/
        5. http://www.members.optusnet.com.au/~charles57/Creative/Mindmap/
    6. Learning
    7. Body language
      1. youtube on body language
    8. Languages
      1. English
      2. German
      3. Spanish
    9. Financial
      1. Robert Kyosaki
    10. Prince2
    11. Project Management
      1. Prince2
    12. Sales
    13. Alfa hladina
    14. General Management
      1. MBA
    15. Mystics
      1. Alfa hladina
      2. Hypnoza
    16. Business and Enterpreneuring
      1. EInfo.sk
    17. Time management and planning
      1. Getting Things Done
    18. Neuro Lingvistic Programming
      1. wiki
      2. NLPcz.doc
      3. NLPinfo.com
      4. NLP free intro
      5. ENTJ Polny Marsal
    19. SWOT
      1. SWOT template
  2. Hard skills
    1. Programming
    2. Quality and Testing
  3. Build homes
  4. Hobbies
    1. Astrophysics
      1. Frank Close: Casticova fyzika.
      2. Hawking
    2. History
      1. Ancient Egypt
      2. Ancient Mideast
      3. Greece and Rome
  5. Body building
    1. Pilates
    2. Joga