1. More
    1. Open
      1. Interactive Map Visualization Techniques for Open Data in Austria with Drupal
      2. Open Data
        1. Open Data Handbook
          1. http://blog.okfn.org/2012/02/22/announcing-the-open-data-handbook-version-1-0/
        2. Berlin Open Data Strategy
          1. http://www.scribd.com/doc/83193044/Berlin-Open-Data-Strategy-English-Abstract
      3. Open Data in Austria
        1. Open3 - Netzwerk zur Förderung von OpenSociety, OpenGov und OpenData in Österreich
          1. http://www.open3.at
        2. Datenplattformen Österreichs
          1. http://data.linz.gv.at/
          2. http://data.wien.gv.at/
      4. Open Data Visualization
        1. visualization of time-oriented data (buch)
          1. http://visweek.org/visweek/2011/paper-session/all/infovis
      5. Open Data Visualization in Austria
        1. Open Data & Data Driven Journalism - Tools & Best Practices (Robert Harm)
        2. http://www.slideshare.net/robertharm/open-data-data-driven-journalism-tools-best-practices
      6. Open Data Mapping
        1. geocommons
          1. http://geocommons.com/
        2. degree confluence
          1. http://www.confluence.org/
      7. Open Data Mapping in Austria
        1. Geo-Datenplattformen Österreichs
          1. http://data.linz.gv.at/daten/Geodaten
          2. http://data.wien.gv.at/katalog/basiskarten
          3. http://www.kartenwerkstatt.at
        2. AustroFeedr - Drupal + OpenLayers Use Case
          1. http://www.austrofeedr.at
          2. http://demo.austrofeedr.at
        3. Linked Open Data Austria - Drupal + OpenLayers
          1. http://austria.drupaldata.com
        4. Linked Open Geodata Meetup
          1. http://www.meetup.com/Vienna-Semantic-Web-Meetup/events/23088111/
          2. geoland.at
          3. http://www.slideshare.net/langegger/linked-open-geodata
    2. Web Mapping
      1. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Web_mapping
      2. Classification
        1. static vs dynamic
          1. http://kartoweb.itc.nl/webcartography/webmaps/classification.htm
      3. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geosocial_networking
      4. Collaborative mapping
        1. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Collaborative_mapping
        2. OpenStreetMap
        3. Google Map Maker
          1. Licensing
          2. http://mashable.com/2012/01/19/google-maps-world-bank/
        4. Wikimapia
          1. http://wikimapia.org/
      5. Österreich
        1. Gomogi
          1. http://www.gomogi.com/
          2. micheal diener
        2. FOSSGIS UG AT
          1. fossgis@spektral.at
          2. http://wiki.alpine-geckos.at/wiki/FOSSGIS_UserGroup_Austria
        3. http://www.alpine-geckos.at/category/geowissenschaften/
    3. Animation
      1. Examples
        1. Windhistory
          1. http://windhistory.com/map.html#9.00/40.1737/-113.1458
    4. People
      1. Underdark GIS
  2. GeoClustering
    1. Clustering motivation
      1. Usability
        1. summarize data at high zoom levels by clustering
        2. allow exploration of individual points at lower zoom levels
      2. Speed
        1. Browser javascript/memory limitations
        2. Even more for mobile
      3. http://blog.davebouwman.com/2012/03/24/server-side-clustering-why-you-need-it/
    2. Approaches
      1. Where to cluster
        1. Clustering Client-side
        2. Clustering by Logic
        3. Clustering by Database
      2. When to cluster
        1. realtime / on-request
        2. Pre-cluster / store clusters in db
      3. How to cluster
        1. Basic
          1. Distance
        2. Advanced
          1. Feature-based clusters?
        3. article
          1. http://web.archive.org/web/20071121140547/http://trib.tv/tech/clustering-points-on-a-google-map/
          2. Basic Types
          3. Well-separated: Points belong to a cluster when they are closer to every point in the cluster than they are to any point not in the cluster. This requires each cluster of points to be separated by a distance at least equal to the diameter of the largest cluster at its longest point.
          4. Prototype-based: Points belong to a cluster when they are closer or more similar to the cluster’s prototype, ie. a point representing the cluster as a whole, than they are to any other cluster’s prototype. This tends to result in circular clusters since the prototype (in a geospatial dataset anyway) is usually the centrepoint of the cluster.
          5. Graph-based: A cluster is defined as a set of points that are all connected, directly or via a chain of other points, to each other, and which are not connected to any point not in the cluster.
          6. Density-based: A cluster exists where there is a region of high density surrounded by a region of low density. These clusters can end up being any shape, and vary widely in size.
          7. Conceptual: A cluster exists where all points in the cluster share a common attribute which is not present in any point outside the cluster.
          8. Implementation types
          9. Variable gridding
          10. Interleaved digits
          11. K-Means
          12. QT-Clust
          13. DBSCAN
          14. Agglomerative Hierarchical Clustering
          15. Grid based viral growth argorithm
      4. Questions
        1. what about performance?
        2. how do filters work?
        3. how well does it integrate with current drupal mapping technologies?
        4. how does caching work?
        5. how does client interaction work?
        6. how does it work with and without spatial database capabilities?
    3. Algorithms
      1. OPTICS
        1. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OPTICS_algorithm
      2. Quadtrees + hilbert courve blog post
        1. http://blog.notdot.net/2009/11/Damn-Cool-Algorithms-Spatial-indexing-with-Quadtrees-and-Hilbert-Curves
      3. Region quadtree
        1. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quadtree#The_region_quadtree
        2. http://gis.stackexchange.com/questions/5394/incremental-spatial-clustering-algorithm
      4. K-Means
        1. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/K-means_clustering
        2. Polymaps k-means
          1. http://polymaps.org/ex/cluster.html
          2. no interactivity, static
        3. PostGIS
          1. http://pgxn.org/dist/kmeans/doc/kmeans.html
          2. how to use
          3. http://gis.stackexchange.com/questions/11567/spatial-clustering-with-postgis
        4. MySQL
          1. SQLDM – implementing k-means clustering using SQL
          2. http://www.abibasystems.com/white_paper/sqldm.pdf
        5. Java impl
          1. http://www.javaworld.com/javaworld/jw-11-2006/jw-1121-thread.html?page=1
        6. Drupal ideas
          1. http://groups.drupal.org/node/104014
        7. paper
          1. http://ilpubs.stanford.edu:8090/778/
          2. k-means++: The Advantages of Careful Seeding
      5. SnapToGrid
        1. http://postgis.refractions.net/docs/ST_SnapToGrid.html
      6. More
        1. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carrot2
        4. http://chemometria.us.edu.pl/index.php?goto=downloads
    4. Implementations
      1. Solr clustering
        1. http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8399152/how-to-best-do-server-side-geo-clustering
        2. Outdated localsolr
          1. https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SOLR-773
        3. Implementierung
          1. http://blog.sybit.de/2010/11/geografische-suche-mit-solr/
        4. Good discussion
          1. http://www.mail-archive.com/solr-user@lucene.apache.org/msg40651.html
      2. Google maps Perl impl + discussion
        1. http://flylib.com/books/en/2.367.1.102/1/
        2. siehe auch downloaded chm ebook
        3. K-mean
          1. Method
          2. 1. Select a center point for each of k clusters, where k is a small integer.
          3. 2. Assign each data point to the cluster whose center point is closest.
          4. 3. After all the data points are assigned, move each cluster's center point to the arithmetic mean of the coordinates of all the points in that cluster, treating each dimension separately.
          5. 4. Repeat from Step 2, until the center points stop moving.
        4. Hierachical clustering
          1. Method
          2. 1. Assign each point to its own cluster.
          3. 2. Calculate the distance from each cluster to every other cluster, either from their respective mean centers, or from the two nearest points from each cluster.
          4. 3. Take the two closest clusters and combine them into one cluster.
          5. 4. Repeat from Step 2, until you have the right number of clusters, or the clusters are some minimum distance apart from each other, or until you have one big cluster.
        5. Naïve grid-based clustering
          1. grid by display pixels / marker size
          2. assign points to clusters within grid
          3. order clusters by points
          4. make superclusters (heavy clusters claim their neighbors)
      3. Vizmo
        1. Hierarchical Clustering by Meaningful Units
        2. PHP, Symphony2, closed source?
        3. www.globalimpactstudy.org/wp-content/uploads/.../vizmo-poster.pdf
        4. http://www.globalimpactstudy.org/2011/12/open-source-presentation/
      4. Google MarkerClustering
        1. http://code.google.com/p/google-maps-utility-library-v3/wiki/Libraries#MarkerClusterer
        2. http://googlegeodevelopers.blogspot.com/2009/04/markerclusterer-solution-to-too-many.html
        3. http://google-maps-utility-library-v3.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/markerclusterer/docs/reference.html
      5. Google maps php example
        1. Google maps haversine php example
        2. https://github.com/tuupola/php_google_maps/tree
        3. http://www.appelsiini.net/projects/php_google_maps/cluster.html?center=17.41075008,85.46194978&infowindow=&zoom=1
        4. http://www.appelsiini.net/2008/11/introduction-to-marker-clustering-with-google-maps
      6. PHp example
        1. http://web.archive.org/web/20071011143643/http://forum.sydphp.org/?a=topic&t=1074
        2. request
          1. http://uwmike.com/maps/dams/index.php.source
          2. http://uwmike.com/maps/dams/map_functions.js.source
          3. http://uwmike.com/maps/dams/map_data.php.source
          4. http://uwmike.com/maps/dams/style.css.source
        3. prep
          1. http://uwmike.com/maps/dams/data/dams_au.txt.source
          2. http://uwmike.com/maps/dams/data/create_inserts.php.source
          3. http://uwmike.com/maps/dams/data/create_clusters.php.source
      7. More
        1. PostGIS
          1. http://postgis.refractions.net/pipermail/postgis-users/2006-March/011431.html
      8. Openlayers (client side)
        1. http://dev.openlayers.org/releases/OpenLayers-2.11/lib/OpenLayers/Strategy/Cluster.js
      9. Drupal 6 github
        1. https://github.com/ahtih/Geoclustering
    5. Examples
      1. http://www.crunchpanorama.com/
      2. http://gmaps-utility-library.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/markerclusterer/1.0/examples/speed_test_example.html
    6. Libraries / Vendors
      1. http://www.maptimize.com/
    7. Articles
      1. Google maps with lots of data, comparison of libs
        1. http://www.svennerberg.com/2009/01/handling-large-amounts-of-markers-in-google-maps/
      2. Thesis
        1. Spatial clustering of structured objects Antonio Varlaro
        2. www.di.uniba.it/~varlaro/Varlaro_PhDThesis.pdf
        3. CORSO
  3. Mapping Tech
    1. Projections
    2. Mapping JS
      1. Compare them
        1. http://www.spatialanalysis.ca/2012/alternatives-to-google-maps/
        2. http://geotux.tuxfamily.org/index.php/en/geo-blogs/item/291-comparacion-clientes-web-v6
        3. http://www.smartmapbrowsing.org/html/index_en.html
      2. OpenLayers
        1. The Wary Guide to OpenLayers
        2. http://macwright.org/2012/01/12/openlayers.html
        3. OpenLayers with Canvas
        4. http://trac.osgeo.org/openlayers/wiki/Future/OpenLayersWithCanvas
      3. Leaflet
        1. geojson
          1. http://leaflet.cloudmade.com/examples/geojson.html
          2. https://github.com/CloudMade/Leaflet/issues/13
          3. https://github.com/CloudMade/Leaflet/issues/420
        2. multitouch
          1. https://github.com/CloudMade/Leaflet/issues/150
      4. Modest Maps
      5. polymaps
        1. http://polymaps.org/
        2. SVG-based large-scale data overlays on interactive maps
      6. d3 / Protovis
        1. http://mbostock.github.com/d3/
        2. http://mbostock.github.com/d3/tutorial/protovis.html
        3. D3 + maps
        4. https://groups.google.com/forum/?fromgroups#!topic/d3-js/4CQ7tmpDi-E
        5. basic d3maps integration
          1. https://github.com/bloomtime/d3map
      7. Tile5
        1. http://www.tile5.org/
      8. Canvas
        1. Openlayers heatmap canvas
          1. http://www.websitedev.de/temp/openlayers-heatmap-layer.html
        2. SVG vs Canvas in Openlayers
          1. http://unterbahn.com/2010/07/comparison-of-svg-and-canvas-in-openlayers/
    3. Overlays
      1. SVG vs Canvas
        1. https://groups.google.com/d/msg/d3-js/4CQ7tmpDi-E/0auSzBMu10gJ
      2. Paging Strategy
        1. http://drupal.org/node/1516610#comment-5967508
      3. OpenLayers locator drupal feature
        1. http://drupal.org/project/ol_locator
    4. Basemap Tiles
      1. Ready to go
        1. MapQuest
        2. MapBox
        3. OpenStreetMap
        4. CloudMade
        5. Google, ...
      2. Customize Services
      3. Tile Tools
        1. TileMill
          1. mapquest background tiles
          2. einfach beim embed generieren 'World baselayer' anhaken
          3. http://map.peoplesdistrict.com/fullmap.html
        2. Maperitive
          1. http://maperitive.net/
    5. MapBox
      1. Fast
        1. http://mapbox.com/wax/getting-fast.html
        2. http://www.slideshare.net/devseed/fast-map-interaction-without-flash
      2. Denver Slides
        1. Automatic Updates
    6. More
      1. daten regelmaessig von drupal in sqlite pushen
        1. http://developmentseed.org/blog/2011/sep/28/gains-dynamic-maps-bridging-couchdb-sqlite/
      2. MapProxy
        1. reproject existing tiles
        2. http://mapproxy.org/
    7. Interaction
      1. None
      2. Per-point
      3. Hybrid
        1. UTFGrid
          1. http://mapbox.com/mbtiles-spec/utfgrid/
    8. More
      1. Ushahidi
        1. http://www.ushahidi.com/products/crowdmap
  4. Drupal Mapping
    1. General
      1. Drupal Geo Stack
        1. http://groups.drupal.org/node/138884
        2. http://groups.drupal.org/node/89769
      2. Mapping Book
      3. Subtopic 3
    2. Mapping
      1. http://drupal.org/project/mapping
      2. http://groups.drupal.org/node/91114
      3. Podcast
        1. http://drupaleasy.com/podcast/2012/01/drupaleasy-podcast-73-lots-options
        2. 05:35; Drupal was one of the first CMS to integrate with Maps
        3. 13:30; TileMill
        4. 19:00; Client-side performance issues & clustering
        5. 24:35; Geocode & center map on users location by using HTML5 Geolocation
        6. 29:53; OpenLayers complexities, CTools, Display using Views, Panels or API
        7. 34:05; OpenLayers related modules: Geofield, Geocoder, ...
        8. 35:20; Geofield in Drupal 7 instead of Location module before
        9. 37:40; Recommended setup - Quickstart for storing locations and displaying them
          1. OpenLayers + Geofield + Addressfield
          2. GMap + Location
        10. 42:10; Leaflet (Cloudmade)
        11. 44:55; Book wrapup
        12. 46:25; Book introduction chapters + Motivation on mapping
        13. 49:25; Popular mapping blogs, cartography, best map of the year
        14. 1:06; Location CCK migrate sandbox
          1. transforms D6 location_cck fields into D7 geofields
        15. 1:07; Geocoder, get geospatial data from address field into geofield
        16. 1:09:20; Baraka samsara films - map site use case
          1. http://barakasamsara.com/
      4. http://stanford.edu/group/ruralwest/cgi-bin/drupal/visualizations/us_newspapers
      5. http://brandonmorrison.com/sites/default/files/presentations-deckjs/drupal-geospatial/index.html
    3. OpenLayers
      1. 3.x
        1. http://drupal.org/node/1353122
    4. Polymaps (depends on mapping)
      1. http://drupal.org/project/polymaps
    5. Geofield
      1. Presentation
        1. http://drupal.org/node/1570972
    6. Views GeoJSON
      1. http://drupal.org/project/views_geojson
      2. OL intergration
        1. http://drupal.org/node/1370448
      3. Documentaion, use cases
        1. http://drupal.org/node/1471026
      4. Bounding box filter
        1. http://drupal.org/node/1333324
    7. Search API
      1. Search API Location
        1. http://drupal.org/project/search_api_location
    8. More
      1. http://denver2012.drupal.org/program/sessions/nodejs-javascript-and-future
      2. Drupal Mapping presentation by levelos (overview + openlayers & leaflet focus)
      3. http://www.slideshare.net/loubabe/drupal-mapping-9713919
      4. Drupal Mapping presentation by zzolo 2012
        1. https://github.com/zzolo/spatially-drupal
    9. Use Case
      1. Online-Biodiversitätsportale mit Indicia, Drupal und OpenLayers
        1. http://www.fossgis.de/konferenz/2011/programm/events/239.en.html
      2. CivicApps
        1. http://civicapps.org/
    10. PostGIS
      1. http://drupal.org/project/postgis
    11. Sync PostGIS
      1. http://drupal.org/project/sync_postgis
    12. vector tiles
      1. [2:01pm] friedjoff: dasjo: maybe vector tiles might be worth looking into
      2. [2:01pm] tnightingale: some data doens't make sense to be pushed into drupal
      3. [2:01pm] tnightingale: vector tiles++
      4. [2:02pm] tnightingale: though last i looked, polymaps was the only lib that supported them
    13. tilestash + drupal + leaflet
      1. https://github.com/affinitybridge/drupal-tilestache
      2. https://img.skitch.com/20120426-jfu9fj5c17y5rfa9392y48xmb7.jpg
    14. Mapping Office hours log
      1. Notes + log
        1. https://docs.google.com/document/d/19F8XCwyxQc4JwouNxDDspiDCjPAWFsVb--xxOyedpmw/edit?pli=1
      2. server-side-clustering
        1. [1:52pm] zzolo: there is still a pretty big hole when trying to map (and handle) lots of geospatial features in Drupal
        2. [1:53pm] phayes: zzolo - I think the answer there is a combination of ViewsGeoJSON / server-side clustering
        3. [1:58pm] dasjo: final question before i have to leave: do we need a server-side clustering like nod_ and me discussed? http://drupal.org/node/1547610
        4. [1:59pm] nod_: dasjo: phayes seems to agree, see backscroll
        5. [1:59pm] Brandonian: dasjo: Definitlely think it'd be a cool feature, not sure what other work is being done with that in php/drupal land though
        6. [2:00pm] zzolo: dasjo: my initial thought is no, if we can focus on toolking up thinks like postgis and tilestache. but since that is not really going to happen overnight, a good stop gap solon could be server side clustering
        7. [2:00pm] phayes: dasjo: Yes we need it! That's going to be critical as we scale to support larger data sets
        8. [2:00pm] dasjo: yep Brandonian zzolo. basically some parts of the database implementation and client-side handling should be pluggable
        9. [2:01pm] dasjo: but maybe we can come with some basic out-of-the-box implementations and leave it open to a database to optimize the clustering
      3. tilestash + drupal + leaflet
        1. log
          1. [1:59pm] tnightingale: yeah - tilestache is (using mapnik) is able to generate tiles on demand from a postgis backend
          2. [1:59pm] mackh: of data from the oil and gas commksion - like pipeline right-of-ways, access roads, wellsites, watercrossings
          3. [2:00pm] tnightingale: zzolo: so we can sync drupal data into postgis and render that data into tiles using mapnik+tilestache
          4. [2:00pm] zzolo: tnightingale: and mackh just to confirm, the postgi data is drupal data? (from sync_postgis, i assume)
          5. [2:00pm] zzolo: sweet
          6. [2:00pm] mackh: yes and no?
          7. [2:00pm] tnightingale: yep
          8. [2:01pm] mackh: stored in drupal, synced to postgis
          9. [2:01pm] tnightingale: but doesn't have to be
          10. [2:01pm] zzolo: awesome. thats what i was hoping. this is the stack i have been envisioning, but i don't get paid to do any of this stuff so i don't have time.
          11. [2:02pm] Brandonian: for the more python/mapnik literate in the room: How feasible is it to do mapnik renders based directly off drupal field data if the database is Postgres/postgis and stored properly?
          12. [2:02pm] tnightingale: Brandonian: that's essentially what we're doing with sync_postgis & tilestache
          13. [2:03pm] zzolo: Brandonian: what i image is getting your design in tile mill, export out the mapnik xml file, then it should be pretty easy
          14. [2:03pm] tnightingale: using a mapnik xml file produced in tilemill as our style guide
          15. [2:06pm] tnightingale: zzolo: we also have a rough cut at a tilestache config management module on g.h
          16. [2:06pm] phayes: ooo! link tnightingale?
          17. [2:07pm] phayes: Oh tnightingale, what's the status of D7 Spatial-tools?
          18. [2:07pm] zzolo: tnightingale: you have a link. i am actually gonna try to get this stack running locally this week as part of my presentation at the TC Drupal camp
          19. [2:07pm] mackh: https://github.com/affinitybridge/drupal-tilestache]
          20. [2:07pm] zzolo: i think this is definitely the future of geo
          21. [2:07pm] tnightingale: re: tilestache module - still pretty rough, be warned
          22. [2:08pm] zzolo: and i think postgis sync is the way to go to handle goespatial data and spatial querying.
        2. https://github.com/affinitybridge/drupal-tilestache
        3. https://img.skitch.com/20120426-jfu9fj5c17y5rfa9392y48xmb7.jpg
      4. search api
        1. [2:08pm] mackh: i also want to extend search api to return WKT onto maps
        2. [2:08pm] mackh: from faceted results, hoping to get that client funded in the next 3 months
      5. Office hours finishing
        1. log
          1. [2:07pm] tom_o_t: Brandonian: perhaps schedule dedicated Q&A time for stuff general questions that aren't related to module development?
          2. [2:08pm] Brandonian: tom_o_t: Not a bad idea.
          3. [2:09pm] jeffschuler: tom_o_t++ … this has been super useful, but It's been more of a facilitated discussion on high-level geo in drupal topics rather than a time for folks to come get help or figure out how they can pitch in… different from core office hours http://drupal.org/node/1242856
    15. Clustering
      1. Blog: exploring large sets of geodata
        1. http://groups.drupal.org/node/104014
      2. Benchmarking OpenLayers with Drupal
        1. http://rjsteinert.com/content/benchmarking-openlayers-module-views-and-openlayersjs
      3. WFS (D6 wenig user)
        1. http://drupal.org/project/wfs
    16. OpenPublic Map Visualization Feature
      1. http://www.openpublicapp.com/map-visualization-feature
      2. broken?
    17. Mapping & Recruiter
      1. http://drupal.org/node/1254716
      2. by Adam S, based on OpenPublic
    18. GeoServer + PostGIS
      1. http://www.geops.de/blog/64-spatial-data-and-drupal-7
    19. Drupal Apachesolr Geo sandbox
      1. http://drupal.org/sandbox/pwolanin/1497066
    20. Geofield proximity updates by brandonian
      1. http://drupal.org/node/1469956#comment-6025452
      2. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Haversine_formula
  5. Geocluster
    1. geocluster_views_post_execute
      1. not very flexible, prefer to do plugins
    2. views_plugin_style_geocluster extends views_plugin_style_geojson
      1. views_geojson has complicated _views_geojson_render_fields
    3. geocluster_plugin_style_geofield_map extends geofield_map_plugin_style_map
      1. fields already rendered by field handler post execute
    4. geocluster_handler_field_geofield extends geofield_handler_field
    5. ähnlich wie groupby, get_aggregation_info ?
    6. display that uses another display
      1. datenquelle = andere view
      2. Subtopic 2
    7. queryhandler clustering
  6. GeoRecruiter
    1. Daten
      1. GeoTaxonomie verwenden / geofield
        1. jobs
        2. bezirke
    2. Suche
      1. Search API integration
        1. http://drupal.org/project/search_api_location
    3. Job
      1. Job location auf karte anzeigen