1. Marriage
    1. marriage movies
    2. Marriage retreats
    3. Team/coordinator for support services
    4. Marriage speakers
  2. Establish a Health and Wellness committee
    1. Sick
    2. Home bound
    3. Survey for need
    4. Elderly
  3. Living Station pageant
  4. Gender specific workshops
  5. lay ministers
    1. Recruitment and Training for lay ministers
    2. Retirement for lay ministers
  6. God's Share, Aftican Mission, Peter's penance
  7. Cluster parish cooperation
  8. Create common parish gatherings
    1. annual benefit breakfast
  9. Promote vocations to religious life
    1. Prayer for Vocations
    2. Encourage new Deacons
    3. Movies
  10. Body/mind/spirit retreat
  11. Create compassion ministry
    1. Dealing with death
    2. Homebound, sick, nursing home etc.
    3. Members who have flooded
  12. St Pius V Centennial activities for parish and community
  13. (Reach out to the greater community (original)
    1. Support programs for bereaved families - Spiritual, emotional and social
    2. Participate in food pantry ministry
  14. Parish addition
  15. Reach out to the greater community (discussion)
    1. Catholic Conference - carry the needs to the legislative assembly
    2. Create an Inventory of community resources - work with other religious and community leaders
      1. Announce on Catholic radio stations
      2. Put on city website
      3. Laminate and put in all public spaces
    3. Share parish resources - people
      1. Use facilities in service to the community
        1. After school programs
          1. Training for volunteers
          2. Extension Agents
        2. Day Care
        3. Homeless - one nights stay...etc.
      2. Prison Ministry
      3. Family outreach - generate list of members willing to visit/etc. - ID the members interest and gifts
      4. Invite people to a meal, take cookies, be welcoming - coordinated effort
      5. KC club members to help with visits, emergencies,
        1. Diocese resources
          1. Adult Faith Formation workshops
          2. Catholic Family Services contact
          3. MOM'S
    4. Share resources - facilities
      1. Use church basement for day or after school care
    5. Create a positive welcoming message - not we and them but brothers and sisters
    6. Housing incentive fund - encourage use - share information
    7. Work with economic developers to determine oil industry interest in cooperating on projects