1. within + 時間
  2. after + 時間
  3. at + 特定時間點
    1. at noon
    2. at night
    3. at 8 o'clock
    4. at the same time
  4. on + 特定日期
    1. on Wednesday
    2. on 21, August
    3. on Christmas Eve
  5. until + 時間/句子
    1. Let’s wait until it stops raining.
    2. David will be away until Monday.
  6. by + 截止時間點
    1. We have to be home by 5 o'clock.
    2. by the time...
      1. I had a lot of works to do last evening. I had been very tired by the time I finished it.
      2. It’s too late to go to the bank now, by the time we get there it will have been closed.
  7. in +時間
    1. in + 一段時間
      1. in December(月份)
      2. in the morning(早上/下午/傍晚)
      3. in spring(季節)
      4. in 2020(年份)
    2. in +一小段時間
      1. We’re landing in 10 minutes.
      2. in under +時間
        1. Because of her excellent training, she was able to complete the half-marathon in under two hours.
  8. more than +時間