1. Hamad
    1. Demographics
      1. early 70s
      2. medium built man
    2. S & S
      1. suddenly collapsed
      2. pressure 160/70
      3. heart rate: 55beats/min
    3. Diagnosis
  2. Causes of fainting
    1. Cardiovascular causes
      1. Heart structural conditions
      2. Heart rhythm
    2. non cardio causes
      1. Neurological causes
      2. internal bleeding
      3. head injuries
      4. ANS Failure
      5. Medications
  3. CPR
    1. Definition
    2. When to do it ?
    3. procedure
  4. History taking
    1. Precipitant factors
      1. Patient's position
      2. Patient's activity
    2. questions should be asked
    3. Patients history
      1. familial
      2. medications
  5. Edema
    1. Definition
    2. Causes
  6. Syncope
    1. Definition
    2. Causes
    3. Presyncopal S&S
      1. Lightheadedness
      2. Sweating
      3. Weakness
      4. Rapid breathing
      5. Rapid heartbeat
      6. Fainting
      7. Dizziness
      8. Nausea
    4. Physical examination
      1. Cardiac exam
      2. Lung exam
      3. Neurologic exam
      4. Neck exam
      5. Rectal examination
      6. Intraoral exam
    5. complications
  7. ECG
    1. Definition
    2. Procedure
    3. Electrodes placement
    4. Trace elements
  8. Heart
    1. Anatomy
      1. Ribs
        1. Classification
      2. Surfaces
    2. Physiology
      1. Over-drive suppression
      2. electrical impulses spread
    3. Abnormalities
      1. Bradycardia
        1. Causes
        2. Classification
    4. Apex beat
      1. Definition
      2. Location
      3. Examination
      4. Interpretation
  9. Sick Sinus Syndrome
    1. Definition
    2. Causes
    3. S & S
    4. Types
    5. Diagnosis
    6. Treatment
      1. Pharmacological
        1. bradycardia
        2. tachycardia
      2. Surgical
        1. artificial pacemaker
          1. indications
          2. contraindications
          3. complications
    7. Prognosis
    8. Complications