1. Religion
    1. Opening
      1. Life was intended by God:
        1. To be rich
          1. Texture
          2. Flavor
          3. Depth
        2. To be full of meaning
          1. Purposeful
          2. Intentional
        3. To be awe inspiring
          1. Grandeur
          2. Amazing complex
        4. To be mysterious and mystical
          1. Unimangineable
          2. Always more than we thought
        5. To be easy to figure out
          1. Understandable
          2. Inclusive
        6. To be enjoyed
          1. Attainable
          2. Within grasp
        7. To be simple
          1. Peaceful
      2. Yikes - yet another Paradox with God
        1. Defined as: something exhibiting contradictory aspects within itself. (God is the biggest mystery and paradox of them all)
        2. He knows what is best for us
          1. Exacting openness and transparency??
          2. Mystery and the thrill of seeking??
    2. Point One Some things are meant to be mysterious Some things are intended to be mysterious, secret, not to be figure out. Some things are meant to be plain and simple. Finding the things that fall into those categories and accepting them as they are brings peace and fulfillment in life.
      1. Examples NEED MORE
        1. Easy: What God expects of me
        2. Mysterious: Why do certain things happen
      2. Question: What is the fruit of our acceptance and understanding of what goes where?
        1. Joy, Peace, Happiness, Lack of Striving, Confidence, Boldness, Lack of fear
      3. Question: What is the fruit of our lack of acceptance and understanding of what goes where?
        1. We try to create and find meaning, awe and mystery from simple things
          1. We complicate things
          2. We make easy things difficult
          3. We try to make simple things mysterious
        2. We try to get understanding, joy and peace from mysterious things
          1. We create theories
          2. We make assumptions
          3. We offer man-made explanations for God ordained secrets
        3. The result is that we find pride in the things that we have created, invented, assumed and explained; we propagate these falsities and act upon them. Through all of this, we eliminate our dependency upon and need for God.
        4. We use these things to try and make ourselves look pious, righteous and godly. We assume there is a reward for such things and while we expectantly wait, we judge everyone else who didn’t think or do as we would.
        5. This is Religion. Definition: Man’s attempt to explain or to do what is unexplainable, unnecessary or what only God could do or should do.
    3. Point: Christianity is not a religion.
      1. Great Christian thinkers an theologians have been making this point for quite some time.
        1. Martin Luther explained, "I have often said that to speak and judge rightly in this matter we must carefully distinguish between a pious (religious) man and a Christian."