1. The Nature of Sin
    1. The Interrelationship Between the Doctrine of Sin and Other Doctrines
    2. The Difficulty of Discussing Sin
    3. Methods of Studying Sin
    4. Terms for Sin
      1. Terms Emphasizing Causes of Sin
        1. Ignorance
        2. Error
        3. Inattention
      2. Terms Emphasizing the Character of the Sin
        1. Missing the Mark
        2. Irreligion
        3. Transgression
        4. Iniquity or Lack of Integrity
        5. Rebellion
        6. Treachery
        7. Perversion
        8. Abomination
      3. Terms Emphasizing Results of Sin
        1. Agitation or Restlessness
        2. Evil or Badness
        3. Guilt
        4. Trouble
    5. The Essential Nature of Sin
      1. Sensuality
      2. Selfishness
      3. Displacement of God
  2. The Source of Sin
    1. Various Conceptions of the Source of Sin
      1. Animal Nature
      2. Anxiety of Finiteness
      3. Existential Estrangement
      4. Economic Struggle
      5. Individualism and Competitiveness
    2. The Biblical Teaching
    3. Implications of the Various Views -- The Cure for Sin
  3. The Results of Sin
    1. Results Affecting the Relationship with God
      1. Divine Disfavor
      2. Guilt
      3. Punishment
      4. Death
        1. Physical Death
        2. Spiritual Death
        3. Eternal Death
    2. Effects on the Sinner
      1. Enslavement
      2. Flight from Reality
      3. Denial of Sin
      4. Self-Deceit
      5. Insensitivity
      6. Self-Centeredness
      7. Restlessness
    3. Effects on the Relationship to Other Humans
      1. Competition
      2. Inability to Empathize
      3. Rejection of Authority
      4. Inability to Love
  4. The Magnitude of Sin
    1. The Extent of Sin
      1. The Old Testament Teaching
      2. The New Testament Teaching
    2. The Intensiveness of Sin
      1. The Old Testament Teaching
      2. The New Testament Teaching
    3. Theories of Original Sin
      1. Pelagianism
      2. Arminianism
      3. Calvinism
    4. Original Sin: A Biblical and Contemporary Model
  5. The Social Dimension of Sin
    1. The Difficulty of Recognizing Social Sin
    2. The Biblical Teaching
      1. The World
      2. The Powers
      3. Corporate Personality
    3. Strategies for Overcoming Social Sin
      1. Regeneration
      2. Reform
      3. Revolution