The Nature of Sin
- The Interrelationship Between the Doctrine of Sin and Other Doctrines
- The Difficulty of Discussing Sin
- Methods of Studying Sin
Terms for Sin
Terms Emphasizing Causes of Sin
- Ignorance
- Error
- Inattention
Terms Emphasizing the Character of the Sin
- Missing the Mark
- Irreligion
- Transgression
- Iniquity or Lack of Integrity
- Rebellion
- Treachery
- Perversion
- Abomination
Terms Emphasizing Results of Sin
- Agitation or Restlessness
- Evil or Badness
- Guilt
- Trouble
The Essential Nature of Sin
- Sensuality
- Selfishness
- Displacement of God
The Source of Sin
Various Conceptions of the Source of Sin
- Animal Nature
- Anxiety of Finiteness
- Existential Estrangement
- Economic Struggle
- Individualism and Competitiveness
- The Biblical Teaching
- Implications of the Various Views -- The Cure for Sin
The Results of Sin
Results Affecting the Relationship with God
- Divine Disfavor
- Guilt
- Punishment
- Physical Death
- Spiritual Death
- Eternal Death
Effects on the Sinner
- Enslavement
- Flight from Reality
- Denial of Sin
- Self-Deceit
- Insensitivity
- Self-Centeredness
- Restlessness
Effects on the Relationship to Other Humans
- Competition
- Inability to Empathize
- Rejection of Authority
- Inability to Love
The Magnitude of Sin
The Extent of Sin
- The Old Testament Teaching
- The New Testament Teaching
The Intensiveness of Sin
- The Old Testament Teaching
- The New Testament Teaching
Theories of Original Sin
- Pelagianism
- Arminianism
- Calvinism
- Original Sin: A Biblical and Contemporary Model
The Social Dimension of Sin
- The Difficulty of Recognizing Social Sin
The Biblical Teaching
- The World
- The Powers
- Corporate Personality
Strategies for Overcoming Social Sin
- Regeneration
- Reform
- Revolution