1. Objective
    1. Information That We Have
    2. Information That We Would Like to Have
    3. Information That We Need
    4. Information That is Missing
    5. Sources for Getting any Missing Information
  2. Creative
    1. The Green Hat as a Formal Signal
    2. Expecting Creative Effort
    3. Adopting a Creative Attitude
    4. Green Hat Thinking in Problem Solving
  3. Positive
    1. Values and Benefits
    2. Reasons for Optimism
    3. Feasibility
    4. Concepts
  4. Negative
    1. Exploring Lack of Fit
    2. Looking at faults
    3. Scanning for Potential Problems
    4. Assessing Yellow Hat Output
  5. Intuitive
    1. Signaling feelings
    2. Considering Feelings in Decision Making
    3. Recognizing a Range of Feelings
  6. Process
    1. Defining the Focus
      1. What are we thinking about?
      2. What is our goal?
    2. Setting out the Agenda
    3. Maintaining Discipline
    4. Noting Conclusions