1. By Charlotte Seager, Retrieved on December 14, 2015. The Guardian
  2. 1. Decide on career path
    1. Focus all your energy
    2. Interests, experience and skills
    3. Choose an industry
      1. enthusiastic
  3. 2. First job not the defining one
    1. Changes
      1. World of work
    2. Not afraid to make mistakes
    3. Career = continuous process
  4. 3. Doing a master
    1. Not more or less employable
      1. going into academia
      2. Improves your skills
        1. More than doing someting else
      3. Think about volunteering or work experience
  5. 6. Don't give up on dream job
    1. Clear of what it is
    2. Think about
      1. What skills ?
      2. Move in another city or country ?
    3. Take risks
      1. Learn from experiences
        1. Determine what you like
  6. 5. Take charge of job search
    1. take control of you career
    2. skills, values and interests
    3. Three steps
      1. Interesting industries
      2. Not wait for adverts
      3. Make contact
        1. Fantastic network
  7. 4. Power of social media
    1. LinkedIn
      1. most valuable
    2. Twitter
      1. Join a discussion
    3. Good for networking
      1. Risk of what you put
    4. 40% employers using
      1. clean profile