1. Origins
      1. Project Management
    2. Apply
      1. Any scenario
    3. Refer to
      1. Purpose
      2. Roles & Goals
  2. Specific
    1. Which?
    2. What?
    3. When?
    4. Why?
    5. Who?
    6. Where?
  3. Measurable
    1. How much?
    2. How many?
    3. Accomplished?
    4. Benchmarks
    5. Milestones
  4. Attainable
    1. Characteristics
      1. Self Image
      2. Belief
      3. Finances
      4. Abilities
      5. Skills
      6. Attitudes
    2. Push yourself
    3. Reach
    4. Grasp
  5. Tangible
    1. Visualise
    2. Use all senses
    3. Covers
      1. S.M.A.R.
        1. Automatically
        2. of SMART