1. Looking for the "real truth"
    1. Differences working styles
      1. In a minute
      2. 30 - 60 mins
    2. Working with data
      1. Large scale
        1. Nightmare
        2. Graph mining libary
        3. View
          1. Overview
          2. General behaviour patterns
        4. Find new answers
      2. Smaller subset of data
      3. Datamining
      4. Data cleaning
      5. Data extraction
    3. Analytical part
      1. Statisticla package
      2. Statistical modeling
      3. Practical industry applications
        1. Skills to get information
        2. Processing terabytes of data
    4. Approaches
      1. Understand regularities
        1. How users behave
        2. Preferential attachment processes
        3. Designing a product
          1. Underline distribution
          2. Popular communities
        4. Power regularities
          1. Understand users behaviour
      2. Understanding users interactions
        1. At a micro level
          1. Interactions
        2. Consequences at a macro level
          1. Behaviour
        3. Users perception
          1. What buttons to click on
          2. What explanaitions to pay attention
        4. Behaviour
      3. Quantitive data to understand user behaviour
      4. Context
  2. Social media trinity
    1. Content
      1. Define the community
    2. Audience
    3. Context
  3. Circles at Google+
    1. Proxemics
      1. Edward Halls
      2. How people interact
      3. Different social distances
        1. Public space
        2. Social space
        3. Personal space
        4. Intimate space
    2. How people use social networks?
      1. Communication devices
      2. Broadcasting devices
    3. Goals
      1. Construct circles like in real life
      2. Selective sharing model
        1. Selectrively share information
        2. Sharing different pieces of content
      3. Organize social network activity
      4. User can manage his/her content
    4. Sharing?
      1. What they share?
        1. Experiences
          1. Work
          2. School
          3. Organizations
        2. Personal experience
        3. Oppinions
          1. Current event
          2. Polytical issue
      2. Why do people share?
        1. Useful
        2. Cool
        3. Interesting
        4. They want to enter on a conversation
        5. Listening for
          1. Help
          2. Information from others
        6. Spreading information on behalf of others
      3. Selecting an audience
        1. Privacy
          1. Risks of sharing
        2. Relevance of the content
          1. Target content
          2. Specific users
          3. Avoiding irrelevant type of information
        3. Maximize their audience
          1. Photographer
          2. How do you get stuff in front of people
          3. Communities
          4. Getting the right information from the people
          5. Not to be considered spam
          6. Building a community
          7. Information ends up in the right hands
          8. Stable community
          9. Not necessary a growing community
          10. Sustainable community
          11. Interaction
          12. Sharing
          13. Avoid outside interaction
      4. Producers vs consumers of the content
        1. Long vs short posts
        2. Consumers tweak their experience
    5. What names they are giving
      1. Top popular circles names
        1. Languages
        2. 1000 most popular circle names
      2. Active users
        1. Motivation
        2. Audience choices
  4. Social in search
    1. Influencing search results
      1. Social pieces of information
      2. Micro social interaction
      3. Domain contacts
      4. Not all ties are created equal
    2. How social affects user behavoiur in search
      1. Expertise affecting user behaviour
      2. Are they relevant?
    3. Social annotations
      1. Contact expertise
      2. Search intent
      3. Contact closeness
      4. Conclusions
        1. URLs and titles
        2. Third or fourth in the decision process
        3. Micro interactions does not affect to the global interaction
    4. Approaches
      1. Ratings
      2. Users similarities
      3. Context symilarity
        1. Information retrieval
  5. Multi-method research
    1. Different perspectives for the same question
      1. Focus on the user ane everything else will follow
      2. It is necessary to use more than one method
      3. One methog=miopic perspective
    2. Questions
      1. Understanding how people are using things
      2. How is a new feature really used
    3. Google Hybrid approach to research
      1. Embed on product teams
        1. Researcher
        2. Analytics
      2. In the same team
        1. Product development
        2. Researchers
          1. With engineers
          2. With designers
        3. Blurr the line between researchers and developments
      3. Rapid prototyping
      4. A discussion on Google's Hybrid approach to research
  6. Users
    1. Things to consider
      1. They are not equal
      2. Shared interests
      3. Frequency of communication
      4. Broker information
      5. Context aware
    2. Influencers
      1. Methods to detect influential people
        1. Degree
        2. Shortest path
        3. How central a user is
        4. Page rank: influence algorithm
          1. Which webpages are the most influential
          2. Also for persons on a particular topic
        5. Prefferential attachment
          1. Rich get richer
          2. Common neighbours
        6. Weight influence of each edge
          1. Wighted version
          2. Unweighted version
      2. Influencing influencers
      3. Broadcast vs influence
        1. Social actors
    3. Foster collaboration