1. quick burst of energy
    1. fuzzy head
    2. impaired memory
  2. Glucose fuels the brain
    1. keeps us alert and focused
    2. impact
      1. problem solving
      2. learning
      3. memory
  3. Not all fuel is created equal
    1. glucose rapidly released
    2. carbohydrates
      1. different
      2. gingerbread men
      3. yogurt and blueberries
    3. Baked goodies
    4. high-glycemic foods
    5. long-lasting brain power
      1. fruit
      2. vegetables
      3. whole grains
  4. Defeat the office sweets
    1. Plan your defense
      1. a specific plan of action
        1. eat an apple
        2. go for a quick walk
        3. chat with a colleague
    2. Keep brain food nearby
      1. fresh fruit
      2. a jar of trail mix
      3. creativity-boosting combos
    3. Snack regularly
      1. keep blood glucose up
      2. keep brain firing on all cylinders
  5. 3 creativity-enhancing snacks
    1. Blueberries
      1. flavonoid phytochemicals
        1. help brain cells respond efficiently to incoming messages
        2. promote the growth of new neurons
      2. act as antioxidants
        1. keep free-radical damage in check
        2. keep brains young
    2. Walnuts
      1. essential amino acid tyrosine
      2. improve memory
      3. improve concentration
      4. improve information processing speed
    3. Dark chocolate
      1. antioxidant flavonoids
        1. improve blood flow to the brain
        2. improve cognitive function
      2. serotonin
        1. mood- and brain-boosting qualities