1. Preparation
    1. Metrics
      1. Website traffic
      2. Converstion and sales
      3. Page views & ad exposure
      4. Growing Brand Awareness
      5. Positive Brand Awareness (Reputation Mangement)
      6. Expand Customer Reach
    2. Provide ways to help others.
    3. Be original. Establish process and goals to get there.
      1. Subtopic 1
    4. Create content.
    5. Connect with your niche social talkers.
    6. Create advertising that targets your readers' passions.
    7. Create and use a blog.
      1. Choose your topic
        1. Keyword research
          1. Include keyword in title of article
          2. Optimize article with keyword & up to six variations of that word
      2. Choose blog software & design
      3. Choose name & domain
      4. Start with 100 posts
      5. Register with digg, stumbleupon, twitter, etc.
      6. Participate in forums
      7. Leave comments and backlinks on other blogs
      8. write guest articles for other blogs
      9. Register with directories like blogcatalog
      10. Spread the word on social networks
      11. Create an audience
      12. Create a newsletter
        1. Create incentive to opt-in
      13. Business cards, etc.
      14. Invite friends to participate
      15. Find appropriate affiliate programs
    8. Read other blogs and link to good information.
    9. Create Videos
      1. Submit to YouTube
      2. Submit to TubeMogul.com
    10. Claim your blog at Technorati
    11. Open Analytics account
    12. Subscribe to feeds & watch for your area of interest
    13. Join MicroCommunities
    14. Submit articles
    15. Monitor
    16. Prepare advertising
  2. Determine Goals
    1. Expand exposure of the content you create
    2. Update customers with company news
    3. Communicate with customers
    4. Promote product or service
    5. Discover current news and trends
    6. Share ideas
    7. Increase brand awareness
    8. Provide customer support
    9. Find a supplier
    10. Recruit
    11. Direct selling
    12. Create traffic for company website
    13. Monitor competition