1. Assumptions
    1. People are all interdependent
    2. People are interconnected
    3. Connections have real consequences
    4. Connections can be structured to optimize outcomes
      1. Individual
      2. Group
      3. Organizational
  2. Effective method
    1. Diagnostic of the group
      1. Organisation silos
      2. Hidden connections
      3. How work gets done
      4. Networked organization
      5. Structure of social relationships
      6. Unconver informal connections
    2. Potential outcomes
      1. Job performance
      2. Job satisfaction
      3. Adoption of new ideas
      4. Adoption of new technologies
      5. Likelihood of information getting shared
      6. Creation of new ideas
    3. Improve
      1. Flow of information
      2. Flow of knowledge
      3. Decisions
    4. Restructuring organizational charts
    5. IMplementing new processes
  3. Fields
    1. Organizational behavior
    2. Anthropology
    3. Socilogy
    4. Medicine
  4. Reveal the social network
    1. Matrix
      1. Pairs of people
      2. Interactions
        1. Existence
        2. Type
        3. Quality
        4. Sources to measure relationships
          1. Surveys
          2. email echanges
          3. Direct observations of group interaction
          4. Billabe hours
          5. Professional citations
          6. Corporate board interlocks
          7. Consulting contracts
          8. Package transmission
          9. Charitable donations
    2. To consider
      1. People
      2. Places
      3. Things
    3. Network
      1. Linking
        1. People linked
      2. Nodes
        1. People
      3. Matehmatical properties
        1. Centrality
          1. Number of people attached to each person
          2. Betweeness
          3. A broker of information
          4. He connects people with others
          5. Closeness
        2. Density
          1. Actual ties
          2. Potential ties
        3. Cohesion
          1. Average distance
        4. Subgroup identification
          1. Highly segregated groups?
    4. To reveal
      1. Awareness
      2. Trust
      3. Communication
      4. Groups
      5. Patterns of interactions
      6. Decision-making
  5. Concepts
    1. Centrality
      1. Degree
      2. Betweenness
      3. Closeness centrality
    2. Density
    3. Social capital
      1. Potential or actual resources
      2. Interpersonal relationships
      3. Being able to get favors granted
      4. Getting rapid response to request
      5. Having access to influential people
      6. Comes from
        1. Dense network of strong support
        2. Being in a privileged role
    4. Structural holes
      1. Relationship with someone who is connected to a separate cluster
      2. Has no other direct or indirect connection with the people in that cluster
      3. Broker between unconnected groups
    5. Brokerage
      1. Connects two othersie unconnected people
  6. Main elements
    1. A group
      1. Determine the group under study
      2. Individual members
    2. Interactions
      1. Relationship between actors
      2. Nature of the relationships
      3. Communication patterns
      4. Links or ties between people
      5. Pattern of interaction
    3. Attributes
      1. Systematic factors
      2. Ethnivicity
      3. Gender
      4. Affirmative actions
      5. Geographic region
      6. Level of seniority
      7. How long the have been with the company
  7. Ties
    1. Shows
      1. Who is connected to whom
      2. Who is central in the group
    2. Relationship
      1. Strength
        1. Strong
          1. Frequent interaction
          2. Feelings of closeness
          3. Multiple types of relationships
          4. Energy to maintain
          5. Same set of people
          6. Limit access to new information
        2. Weak
          1. Easier to maintain
          2. There are many
          3. Critical for innovation
          4. New sources of information
      2. Direction
        1. Reciprocated ties
          1. Stronger
        2. Non reciprocated ties
      3. Type
        1. Direct
          1. Central people
          2. More influence on the network
          3. Better performance review
          4. More satisfied
        2. Indirect
          1. Friend of friend
          2. Number of connections to reach someone
          3. Flow of information
          4. Opportunities in the network
    3. Are reciprocal?
      1. Directionality
    4. What can a tie indicate?
      1. From a person
        2. Trusts
        3. Respects
        4. Reports to
        5. Communicates with
      2. From relationships
        1. Sells to
        2. Buys from
        3. Delivers to
        4. Contracts with
        5. Collaborates with