1. Friendships vs Acquaintances
  2. Quantity or Quality?
  3. How many have you met online?
  4. How many 'friends' found online have you met offline?
  5. Extensions of real friendships
  6. Is bulk adding friends like bulk buying at Wal-Mart?
  7. Are telephone conversations dying along with hand writing letters?
  8. Is resistance to change a resistance to accept?
  9. Cheap and pointless?
  10. 'It's complicated' or maybe WE make it that way?
  11. Cyber romance/cyber stalking/cyber cheating
  12. What happened to deep and meaningful?
  13. Are emotions undervalued by social networking?
  14. Cyber bullying
  15. Are we being pulled closer together or pushed further apart?
  16. Why is this question so complicated?
    1. Maybe it's not the vehicle, it's the driver?
    2. In that case, should we get a licence?
    3. Responsible vs irresponsible behavior
    4. What even is a 'poke?'
    5. Transparency presents its own problems
    6. 'If you are not doing anything wrong, why be concerned?
    7. We should still be entitled to our own privacy
    8. HOW we use social networking and WHY we use it
    9. It is harder to leave than it is to join
    10. There is variation in individual uses
    11. Instant vs delayed gratification
    12. Are we too spoiled by instant gratification to have any discipline?
    13. Preferred medium of communication for our generation?
    14. Social monitoring to the extreme?
    15. Are we creating our own Panopticon?
    16. Not joining in is missing out?
    17. Exhibitionism? Micro celebrities? Big Fish little pond?
    18. Cory Kennedy?! The rise and rise of..
    19. Tila Tequila?! From Myspace to MTV..
    20. Is self proclaiming and being self absorbed the message?!
    21. FACEbook vs FAKEbook?
    22. How about face time?
    23. It's simple, user friendly
    24. All you need is a name
    25. At the same time ALL you have is a NAME
    26. Wouldn't you want to look after your name?
    27. Ones name is becoming ones brand
    28. Technology is addictive
    29. Constantly being connected is 'normal' for today?!
  17. Topic
  18. Mindless updates
    1. Friend Feed
      1. Worker productivity drain
      2. Companies blocking access
      3. Companies losing money
      4. Workers losing efficiency
      5. Did the Apple store even block access?
      6. Breaking concentration
      7. A quick escape becoming a long one
      8. Communication misunderstandings
      9. Relationship strains
      10. Drama
      11. What happened to keeping it simple?
      12. More passive than active?
      13. Surface vs Substance
    2. Twitter
    3. Is 'following' just a politically correct term for stalking?
    4. Does FOLLOWING make us forget the importance of LEADING?
  19. Topic
    1. Topic
  20. Topic
  21. Quick Disclaimer - He is STILL my HERO
  22. Topic
  23. Topic
  24. Topic
  25. Feel closer to the artists
  26. At what point does it become narcissistic and self absorbed?!
  27. Topic
  28. What would YOU rather be experiencing?! Are the experiences comparable?
  29. Topic
  30. Topic
  31. Topic
  32. Topic
  33. Topic
  34. Topic
  35. Topic
  36. Topic
  37. Cyber Snobbery and Exclusivity?!
  38. This mindmap shows that the positives and negatives of social networking are a complicated web of interconnected relationships
  39. Topic
  40. Topic
  41. Another disclaimer - All images on this mind map have been sourced from the internet. It is difficult to credit the original source in a mind map. If someone wishes an image to be removed from this mind map, I will gladly comply. This mind map is for personal comment and educational use only, and not for commercial purposes.
  42. What do I use social networking for?
    1. Keeping in contact with friends
      1. GLOBAL friends
        1. Sharing links
          1. Minimising an OCEAN apart
          2. Making them feel closer geographically
    2. Discussing classes
      1. Forming study groups
        1. Collaborating with virtual teams
          1. Monitoring projects
    3. Cool hunting
      1. Keeping current
        1. Music discovery
          1. Any media discovery
          2. Discussing the show 'Skins'
          3. Discussing anything interesting
      2. Trend Spotting
    4. Procrastinating
      1. Daydreaming
        1. Recommendations
    5. KEEPING my network, not really EXPANDING it
  43. Floating Topic
  44. What do YOU use social networking for?
  45. KEEPING your network or EXPANDING it?
  46. How many friends do you have on Facebook or Myspace?
    1. So many questions to consider
  47. NOT - Working
  48. At what cost?
    1. Copy and paste is a few clicks away
    2. University admissions may take a peek
    3. Job screening
    4. Footprints that don't disappear
    5. Strained relationships and misunderstandings
    6. Mountains out of molehills
    7. College parties and athletic scholarships often don't mix
    8. Michael Phelps and the USC house party - an important lesson
    9. Sharing your life under a social microscope
    10. Truman Show?
    11. What ever happened to mystery?
    12. Are we not entitled to a few skeletons in our closets?
    13. Arguably we all have them
    14. Constant comparisons on an imaginary scale with imaginary competition?
    15. Self esteem?
  49. NET - Working