- "The evolution of complex societies is one
of the most interesting questions in all of
the social sciences. How can a species long
adapted to living in small egalitarian
groups evolve revolutionary new social
institutions that lead them to live in
very large, highly in-egalitarian, social
What is socio-political organization?
- the structure of regulation of relations amonst groups
- political
- social
S-P Organization
- Bands
- Tribes
- Chiefdoms
- States
Weaknesses of these categories
- overlap
- modernocentric
- based on a modern value system
- origins in "reductive scientific enlightenment"
- too easy, not terribly descriptive
Egalitarian Societies
equal access to resources
- food sharing
- political power
- permanent leaders are rare
Achieved Status
- Barack Obama
- Jackson Family
Ascribed Status
- Paris Hilton
Burial Goods of Children
- well, they didn't get it from achievement
- probably born into it
- lavish burial goods denote ascribed status generally
- bands of tribes
- voting with your feet
- no physical coercion
different kind of styles
- hunter-gatherers
- sendentary
- pastoralists
- larger groups
- leaders have no power of physical coercion
- monopoly over use of force
Non-Egalitarian Societies
- unequal access to resources
social hierarchy
- strict castes
- capitalist class system
- ancestor born status ala china
wealth and status
- ascribed generally only exists here.
permanent leaders and offices
- power exists as a concept
similar to a monistic god
- farmers or pastoralists
- villages/towns
- ranked societies
- wealth accumulation by
high ranked people and
inherited office of 'chief'
- ancestor born ranking
- how far are you from the chief's lineage?
- voted chiefs are not "chiefs"
god-chiefs exist in polynesia
- mana
- divine right of kingdom