1. Fragmentation
    1. Optional European regime for companies
      1. Operating at a EU level
      2. Define some benefits
    2. Database of national regulations
      1. Digital market
      2. Delivery of digital content
    3. Common roaming policy
      1. Data
      2. Voice
      3. Less cost effective if you operate out of your country
  2. Digital entrepreneurs
    1. Education
      1. Pilot school
      2. Scaling
      3. Sumemer schools: entrepreneur camps
      4. Curriculum more entrepreneurial
      5. Software scientist carrer promoted
    2. Rockstar enterpreneur ecosystem
      1. Suport asseslocal incubators
      2. Encourage/promteo entrepreneur
      3. Erasmus for entrepreneur
    3. Assess. Best practice eartly stage funding
      1. Early stage non profit seed fund
      2. Second stage "dragon den"
      3. Funding match making
      4. Syndication of europeans
  3. Innovation policy
    1. Inmerse entrepreneurs into the research process
      1. European programmes
      2. Better connection with research
    2. Trust based public funding framework
      1. Fund early stage ideas
      2. Pre-seed innovation
    3. Fund allocation based on
      1. Result
      2. Impact expectations
  4. Social venture capital fund
    1. European network of social incubators
      1. Digital
      2. Physical
    2. Social innovation fund
    3. European innovation bank
      1. Support European VC
      2. Investor
  5. SMEs single market
    1. Create an EU SMES online network
      1. Fair to introduce VCs
      2. Funders
      3. SMEs
    2. Simplification of regulations
      1. SMEs friendly test
    3. Inspiring young people
      1. Entrepreneurial educational
  6. Open internet
    1. Online bill of rights
      1. Civil liberties online
  7. Cooperation platforms
    1. Cooperative platforms
      1. Bgest practices
      2. Success stories
      3. Technologies
    2. Syngergies
      1. Local cooperative platforms
      2. European level
    3. Platform that encourages
      1. Smart money
      2. Mentoring
      3. Coaching
      4. Testbeds for ideas
      5. Visibility
  8. Standardization
    1. Build alliances
      1. International organizations
      2. W3C
      3. IETF
    2. Federal authentication and authorization
      1. For internet
      2. For smart phones
      3. Wider
    3. Standards global
    4. European digital passport
    5. EU projects should contribute to standards (transversal)