1. Step 1: Learn about MLOps
    1. MLOps Infrastructure Stack
      1. should include tooling for the following tasks
        1. data engineering,
        2. version control of data, ML models and code,
        3. coninuous integration and continuous delivery pipelines,
        4. automating deployments and experiments,
        5. model performance assessment,
        6. model monitioring in production.
    2. MLOps Agile Stack
    3. Awesome production machine learning
  2. Step 2: Learn and Analyze Maturity Model
    1. LeanDS.MaturityModel.RU
  3. Step 3: Analyze your product and create the main goal and problem
    1. Celsus.ai: MLOps Stack Example
  4. Step 4: Create plan
  5. Step 5: Implement your plan, use feedback loops
    1. it helps
      1. PDCA
      2. 8D
      3. LEAN