Segments & Personas
Who are the customers?
- What do they think?
- See?
- Feel?
- Do?
Value Propositions
What’s compelling about the product to these personas?
- Why do they buy it, use it?
Brand Experiences
What are the key experiences customers have with the product?
- How do they find it? Buy it? Use it?
- How does this differ across actors?
- If a CIO or parent buys it and then a support person or child uses it, how does that work?
What is the personality of the brand? Its positioning?
- How does it talk about itself? How do is that executed?
- What words and phrases do customers use to talk about the area? What do they type into Google?
- What are the product’s most important brand assets?
- What are the most important growth activities?
Organic Channels
- What organic (unpaid) channels are most important to the product’s branding and growth?
Paid Channels
- What paid channels are most important to the product’s branding and growth?
Promotional Infrastructure
- What promotional infrastructure (email lists, in store displays, social media accounts) is working for the brand?
Let's Start
use template
- https://141nh047iozd1l75s22eer06-wpengine.netdna-ssl.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/Growth-Hacking-Canvas-v1.pdf
- https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1CqFWYmDZw0uiuwzKEzHz3mDNUwfUmKpaiDS7mNgPZwI/edit#slide=id.g387605415_141
Step 1
Segments & Personas
Segment Dimensions
- Do you have a single or multi-sided market?
- Segment Composition
Some notes about PERSONAS using 5W2H
- https://www.xmind.net/m/reXaxD/
a prioritized list of Personas, organized by Segment
Some Product Prioritization Techniques (https://foldingburritos.com)
- https://www.xmind.net/m/9DbTEL/
Step 2
Value Propositions
start with ‘problem scenarios’, then working through the customer’s alternatives and how your value proposition improves
Problem Scenarios are the fundamental needs, habit, desires, jobs that you’re delivering on for the customer
- job to be done
Some notes about Jobs To Be Done using 5W2H
- https://www.xmind.net/m/acbPXk/
- a prioritized list of Value Propositions and linkages from each Persona to the VP’s relevant to them
Step 3
Brand Experiences
- What are the key brand experiences?
- How are those different across your segments and personas?
- a list of key Brand Experiences, linked to Personas or Segments if they differ substantially
Step 4
- Branding
- a description of the brand personality and how you communicate that
Step 5
- we should talk about yourself in terms customers use to describe what they want vs. weird proprietary language you create
- a list of key phrases that customers use to talk about their problems and that you use to talk about your propositions
Step 6
- Assets
- a list of the brand’s key assets (including soft assets like capabilities)
Step 7
- What are you doing to increase growth, engagement, and monetization on the brand?
- a list of key growth activities.
Step 8
- Organic Channels
- a list of key Organic Channels
Step 9
Paid Channels
the channels you pay
- traditional media, digital media, and digital advertising like Google AdWords
- event marketing and trade promotion
- a list of key Paid Channels
Step 10
Promotional Infrastructure
- the internal and external resources you use to promote growth
to obtaine fresh new ideas that really work and are highly accessible
Some Canvases to create Great products!
- https://www.xmind.net/m/ZSPAdu/