- Christianity & Judaism
- Early 600s
- Mohammed wrote Koran from God
- Mohammed acknowledged Abraham's holiness
Five Pillars of Islam
- Shahadah: Allah is only true god
- Prayer 5 times a day
- Giving Alms
- Ramadan
- Hajj - Mecca Pilgrimage
About 15-20% are Shia
- Shia believes the original twelve imams are divine
80-85% are Sunni
- Believes any pious muslim can act as an Imam, not diviningly revealed
- Shia are the majority in Iraq and Bahrain
- Imam
Seperation of Shia and Sunni
Mohammed Dies in 632
Mohammed's Family thought the new Caliph should be a family member
- Ali
Other leaders thought they should get to become Caliph
- Abu Bakr
- Then Islam starts spreading, and disputes over control of the new lands of contorl
Things got a little difficult
Subsequent caliphs started getting murdered
- Uthman (3rd caliph) is murdered by Abu Bakr's son
- Some still supported Ali after Uthman's death, some supported Muawiyah
Then it really hit the fan
- Ali and Muawiyah fight for control over Islam
- Ali is murdered
- Muawiyah then became Caliph and convinced Ali's son Hassan to not run.
- Hassan was poisoned
New Leaders, New Problems
- Yazid (son of Muawiyah) took over
- But, Hussein, son of Ali, refused to recognize Yazid to revolt.
- They did not succeed, and were all executed.
- Yahizd followers are Sunni
- Kurds are not arabs.
- Many different tribes living under a single state
- A section of them live Iraq, Turket, Iran. 0
- 3.5mi Iraqis
- Stateless Nationality
- Mostly sunni muslims
- Some Yazdani, pre-islmic Kurdish religion
Become Iraq
- Colonial empire
- Mosul is predominantly Kurdish
- Baghdad is central sunnis live.
- Are Kurds iraqi?
- Iraq was artificually made that wah