1. Islam
    1. Christianity & Judaism
    2. History
      1. Early 600s
      2. Mohammed wrote Koran from God
      3. Mohammed acknowledged Abraham's holiness
      4. Five Pillars of Islam
        1. Shahadah: Allah is only true god
        2. Prayer 5 times a day
        3. Giving Alms
        4. Fasting
          1. Ramadan
        5. Hajj - Mecca Pilgrimage
    3. Today
      1. About 15-20% are Shia
        1. Shia believes the original twelve imams are divine
      2. 80-85% are Sunni
        1. Believes any pious muslim can act as an Imam, not diviningly revealed
      3. Shia are the majority in Iraq and Bahrain
      4. Imam
    4. Seperation of Shia and Sunni
      1. Mohammed Dies in 632
        1. Mohammed's Family thought the new Caliph should be a family member
          1. Ali
        2. Other leaders thought they should get to become Caliph
          1. Abu Bakr
        3. Then Islam starts spreading, and disputes over control of the new lands of contorl
      2. Things got a little difficult
        1. Subsequent caliphs started getting murdered
          1. Uthman (3rd caliph) is murdered by Abu Bakr's son
          2. Some still supported Ali after Uthman's death, some supported Muawiyah
      3. Then it really hit the fan
        1. Ali and Muawiyah fight for control over Islam
        2. Ali is murdered
        3. Muawiyah then became Caliph and convinced Ali's son Hassan to not run.
        4. Hassan was poisoned
      4. New Leaders, New Problems
        1. Yazid (son of Muawiyah) took over
        2. But, Hussein, son of Ali, refused to recognize Yazid to revolt.
        3. They did not succeed, and were all executed.
        4. Yahizd followers are Sunni
  2. Kurds
    1. Arab?
      1. Kurds are not arabs.
      2. Many different tribes living under a single state
    2. Population
      1. A section of them live Iraq, Turket, Iran. 0
      2. 3.5mi Iraqis
      3. Stateless Nationality
    3. Religion
      1. Mostly sunni muslims
      2. Some Yazdani, pre-islmic Kurdish religion
  3. Iraq
    1. Become Iraq
      1. Colonial empire
      2. Mosul is predominantly Kurdish
      3. Baghdad is central sunnis live.
    2. Iraquis?
      1. Are Kurds iraqi?
    3. Iraq was artificually made that wah