1. 什么是sphinx?
    1. http://sphinx.pocoo.org/#
    2. Sphinx 用python实现,将reStruct源文件,转换成html,pdf,man,...文档。
  2. 概要介绍
    1. sphinx-quickstart演示
    2. Directory Structure
      1. conf.py
        1. 几个重要配置项
      2. index.rst
      3. _template
      4. _static
      5. _ext
  3. Sphinx Concept
    1. .. toctree::
      1. :numbered:
      2. :maxdepth:
      3. :glob:
      4. :hidden:
    2. Special names
      1. genindex
      2. modindex
      3. search
  4. reStructuredText Primer
    1. Inline markup
      1. one asterisk: *text* for emphasis (italics)
      2. two asterisks: **text** for strong emphasis (boldface)
      3. backquotes: ``text`` for code samples
    2. Lists and Quotes
      1. *
      2. number
      3. #
    3. Hyperlinks
      1. `Link text <http://target>`
    4. Sections
      1. # with overline, for parts
      2. * with overline, for chapters
      3. =, for sections
      4. -, for subsections
      5. ^, for subsubsections
      6. ", for paragraphs
    5. Explicit Markup .. (“Explicit markup” is used in reST for most constructs that need special handling) Directives (extension mechanisms of reST)
      1. Topic
      2. .. function:: foo(x)
      3. .. image:: gnu.png
      4. Footnotes
      5. :mod:`parrot` -- Dead parrot access
      6. .. code-block:: c
  5. Django Sphinx Document 实例
    1. _static
    2. _template
    3. _ext
    4. conf.py