1. Heating
  2. Protostar
  3. Depending on total Mass relative to Earth's Sun
  4. Red Dwarf
  5. Sun-Like
  6. Planetary Nebula
  7. Blue Supergiant
  8. White Dwarf
  9. Outer Region Collapsing
  10. Due to Force of Gravity ("Weak")
  11. Type 1a Supernova
  12. Red Supergiant
  13. Dissipating
  14. Type II Supernova
  15. Red Giant
  16. Outer layers
  17. Nuclear fuel consumed
    1. Due to Force of Nuclear ("Strong")
  18. Blue Giant
  19. Due to Force of Nuclear Fusion
  20. Neutron Star
  21. "Black Hole" Star
  22. ???
  23. Basis reference: chandra.harvard.edu/graphics/ resources/illustrations/stellar_ev_infograph.jpg
  24. Core Region Collapsing
  25. Brown Dwarf
  26. Ben Bovee