1. R.A.F.T.
    1. Change of Perspective
    2. Provides Structure in considering audiences, format and topics
    1. Provides techniques for innovations and inventions
    2. Looking at existing object(s) in different perspectives
  3. Think-pair-share
    1. Allows thinking time to high order question(s)
  4. Literature Circle
    1. Facilitates exchange of ideas
    2. Distributes Reading Loads
    3. Bounce ideas
  5. Individual Research Study
    1. Self motivation and interest
  6. Cubing
    1. Encourages thinking in different perspectives
  7. Mentorship
    1. Provides Enrichment and expertise
  8. Six Thinking Hats
    1. Clarify approaches Improves communication
  9. Tied and Anchor Activities
    1. Differentiation in Process and Product