1. Global
    1. Bridge
      1. Local
      2. Global
    2. How information flows
    3. Structural roles of each node
    4. Evolution of the network itself
    5. Acquitances vs close friends
    6. Distant friendships
      1. Structural
      2. Interpersonal
  2. Triadic closure
    1. Clustering Coefficient
    2. Why it operates?
      1. Opportunity for B and C to meet
      2. Trusting
      3. Incentive to put together
    3. Strong triadic closure properties
      1. Different levels of strength
        1. Strong ties
          1. Closer friendship
          2. Greater frequency of interaction
        2. Weak ties
          1. Acquaintances
        3. Vary across
          1. Times
          2. Situations
        4. Types of links
      2. Strong links create new ties
      3. Structural consequences of
        1. Strong ties
        2. Weak ties
  3. The strength of weak ties
    1. Bridge
      1. Connects two different components
      2. The only route between its endpoints
        1. Node A
        2. Node B
    2. Local bridge
      1. An edge
        1. Link two nodes
        2. Not the only route
      2. No common friends between its endpoints
      3. Span
        1. Distance of the nodes if the edge is deleted
      4. Weak ties
        1. Local bridges are weak ties
        2. What is and what is not a local bridge
        3. Hard to reach part of the network
      5. Structural perspective
  4. Tie strength
    1. Organization of social networks
      1. Connecting
        1. Tie strength
        2. Structural properties
      2. Who talks to whom
        1. Network structure
          1. Pais of people
          2. Communication
        2. Strength
          1. Total time
          2. People talking
    2. Weak ties and local bridges
      1. Dichotomies
        1. Tie
          1. Strong
          2. Weak
        2. Bridge
          1. Local
          2. Non local
      2. Neighborhood overlap
        1. Nr. of nodes who are neighbors of both A and B
        2. Nr. of nodes who are neighbors of at least one of A or B
        3. Local bridge -> Neighborhood overlap=0
    3. On Facebook
      1. Types
        1. Reciprocal
          1. Send messages
          2. Receives messages
        2. One-way
          1. Send messages
          2. Don't get answers
        3. Maintained
          1. Follow people
      2. Pattern of social interacion
      3. Passive egagement
        1. Reading news about friends
        2. Absence of communication
        3. Middle ground
          1. Strong ties
          2. Weak ties
    4. On Twitter
      1. More passive weak ties
  5. Roles of each node
    1. Access to edges that span different groups
    2. Boundary spanning edges
    3. Embeddedness of an edge
      1. High clustering coefficient
      2. Local bridges->embeddeness=0
    4. Structural holes
      1. Access to information
      2. Amplifier for creativity
        1. Unexpected synthesis of multiple ideas
        2. Interface
      3. Gatekeeping
        1. Access to the subsets
      4. Riskier position
      5. Regulate the flow of information
      6. Syntehsize information
    5. Social capital
      1. Of
        1. An Individaul
        2. A group
      2. Capital
        1. Tangible resources
        2. Intangible resources
        3. Human capital
        4. Physical capital
        5. Economic capital
        6. Cultural capital
      3. Accoumplish a task
      4. Clousre and brokerage
      5. Closure and bridging
      6. Facilitators of effective action