1. Chords
    1. arpeggio
    2. Triads
      1. augmented
        1. M3 M3
      2. diminished
        1. m3 m3
      3. major
        1. M3 m3
      4. minor
        1. m3 M3
    3. block chord
    4. Progressions
      1. contrary motion
      2. Blues
      3. dominant
    5. Positions
      1. close
      2. open
    6. Seventh Chords
      1. dominant seventh
    7. Inversion
      1. 1st Inversion
      2. 2nd inversion
      3. 3rd inversion
      4. figured bass
      5. root position
    8. Primary Triad/Chord
    9. Chord -Member Names
      1. root
      2. third
      3. fifth
      4. seventh
    10. Roman Numeral Symbols
      1. Major Key Roman Numeral Symbols
      2. Minor Key
  2. Symbology
    1. Articulation
      1. accent
      2. legato
      3. marcato
      4. sforzando
      5. simile
      6. slur
      7. staccato
      8. tenuto
    2. Dynamics
      1. crescendo
      2. decrescendo
      3. diminuendo
      4. forte
      5. fortissimo
      6. mezzo forte
      7. mezzo piano
      8. pianissimo
      9. piano
    3. Expression
      1. dolce
      2. expressivo
      3. grazioso
      4. maestoso
    4. Italian Terms
      1. molto
      2. mezzo
      3. -issimo
    5. Ornament
      1. turn/mordent
      2. trill
      3. grace note
      4. appogiatura
  3. Pitch
    1. accidentals
      1. double flat
      2. double sharp
      3. flat
      4. natural
      5. sharp
      6. enharmonic notes
    2. Clef
      1. Bass (F) Clef
        1. Lines (GBDFA)
        2. Spaces (ACEG)
      2. Treble (G) Clef
        1. Lines (EGBDF)
        2. Spaces (FACE)
      3. Alto (C) Clef
    3. Staff
      1. bass staff
      2. Grand Staff
      3. ledger line
      4. treble staff
      5. C-staff (alto/tenor)
      6. octave
        1. 8va
      7. Middle C
  4. Form/Structure
    1. AB (Binary)
    2. ABA (Ternary)
    3. Chorus
    4. Terminology/Symbology
      1. 1st and 2nd endings
      2. coda
      3. bar line
      4. Da Capo
      5. D.C. al Coda
      6. D.C. al Fine
      7. D.S.
      8. double bar
      9. fine
      10. repeat sign
      11. segno
    5. refrain
    6. Rondo
    7. three part form
    8. two part form
    9. verse
  5. Pitch Collections
    1. arpeggio
      1. broken chord
    2. chromatic
    3. Circle of Fifths
    4. degree
      1. tonic
      2. supertonic
      3. mediant
      4. subdominant
      5. dominant
      6. submediant
      7. leading tone
    5. Modes
      1. Aeolian
      2. Dorian
      3. Ionian
      4. Locrian
      5. Lydian
      6. Mixolydian
      7. Phrygian
    6. Keys
      1. Minor
        1. Harmonic
        2. Melodic
        3. Natural
      2. enharmonic keys
      3. Key Signature
      4. Major
        1. W W H W W W H
      5. relative
    7. enharmonic minor
    8. solfege
      1. moveable "do"
    9. tetra
      1. tetrachord
  6. Interval
    1. chromatic
    2. diatonic
    3. Interval Quality
      1. augmented
      2. diminished
      3. major
      4. minor
      5. perfect
    4. even numbered intervals
    5. odd numbered intervals
    6. Two kinds of intervals
      1. melodic
      2. harmonic
    7. Prime
    8. roman intervals
    9. Unison
    10. Octave
    11. Tritone
    12. half step
    13. whole step
    14. Naming Intervals
      1. generic name
      2. specific name
  7. Jazz
    1. blue note
    2. Blues Scale
    3. Blues
  8. Rhythm
    1. count off
    2. Tempo
      1. accelerando
      2. adagio
      3. allegro
      4. allegro moderato
      5. andante
      6. largo
      7. meno mosso
      8. moderato
      9. piu mosso
      10. ritardando
      11. vivace
    3. Time Signature
      1. alla breve
      2. Common Time
      3. Cut Time
      4. Macrobeat
        1. duple
        2. triple
        3. quadruple
      5. Microbeat
        1. simple
        2. compound
    4. Symbology
      1. dot after a note
        1. dotted eighth note
        2. dotted half note
        3. dotted quarter note
      2. fermata
      3. measure
      4. duration
        1. sound
          1. Triplet
          2. eighth note
          3. half note
          4. eighth note
          5. quarter note
          6. sixteenth note
          7. whole note
        2. silence
          1. rests
          2. eighth
          3. half
          4. quarter
          5. sixteenth
          6. whole
      5. tie
    5. incomplete measure
    6. syncopation
    7. Rhythmic Solfege
      1. du ta de ta
      2. du ta da ta di ta
  9. Compose
    1. harmonize
    2. improvise
    3. accompany
    4. non-harmonic tones
    5. parallel motion
    6. motive
    7. passing tone
    8. Melody
      1. neighboring tone
      2. lower neighboring tone
      3. phrase
      4. upper neighboring tone
    9. tessitura
    10. transposition
  10. Unfiled
    1. keynote
  11. Tuning/Acoustics
    1. octave reciprocity
    2. equal tempered
      1. tendencies
        1. m2 raise 11.73 cents
        2. M2 raise 3.91 cents
        3. m3 raise 15.64 cents
        4. M3 lower 13.68 cents
        5. P4 lower 1.95 cents
        6. Tritone raise 3 cents
        7. P5 raise 1.95 cents
        8. m6 raise 13.68 cents
        9. M6 lower 15.64 cents
        10. m7 lower 3.91 cents
        11. Dominant 7th lower 31.17 cents
        12. M7 lower 11.73 cents
    3. cents
    4. just intonation
    5. Instrument Specific
      1. Valves
        1. 1st valve
          1. adjusts pitch 1 step, tends flat
        2. 2nd valve
          1. adjusts pitch 1/2 step, tends sharp
        3. 1st + 2nd
          1. tends sharp, use 1st valve slide
        4. 2nd + 3rd
          1. tends flat, lip up (no slide)
        5. 1st + 3rd
          1. tends sharp, use 3rd valve slide
        6. 1st + 2nd + 3rd
          1. tends very sharp, use 1st and 3rd valve slide
  12. Baroque (1600-1750)
    1. Historical Themes
      1. increasing importance of scientific investigation
      2. culmination of royal despotism
      3. Development of the New World
      4. Artificiality and marvelous effect were valued in the arts
    2. Musical Context
      1. A time of experimentation
      2. Expanding roles for music
      3. A growing awareness of national styles
      4. The full equality of instrumental music
    3. Style
      1. The basso continuo is ever-present in Baroque music.
      2. Textures are primarily melody and accompaniment or contrapuntal.
      3. Voices and instruments were freely mixed.
      4. Newly developed instruments provided a rich palette of tone color.
      5. Rhythms are often derived from dance rhythms.
      6. Melodies are ornate and often make use of dramatic leaps.
      7. Harmony is based on major/minor tonality, and dissonances become more common.
      8. Repetition and simple binary and ternary forms provide the basis for musical structure.
    4. Composers
      1. Claudio Monteverdi (1567-1643)
      2. Henry Purcell (1659-1695)
      3. Antonio Vivaldi (1678-1741)
      4. George Frideric Handel (1685-1759)
      5. Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750)
  13. Middle Ages (450-1450)
    1. Historical Themes
      1. spread of Christianity
      2. development of a European culture
      3. influence of Islamic culture
    2. Musical Context
      1. music of the church
      2. beginning of musical notation
      3. birth of polyphony
      4. rise of courtly culture
    3. Style
      1. monophonic
        1. A simple monophonic texture might be enriched by the use of drones and (in secular music) percussion.
        2. Rhythm was often not notated. We assume that it was tied to text in vocal music and to dance in instrumental music.
        3. Melodies are often long and flowing. Texted music is often melismatic.
        4. Form comes from text in vocal music. The structure of instrumental music is based on repeating sections.
      2. polyphonic
        1. Voices and instruments were often mixed.
        2. Nonimitative counterpoint, with voices moving at different rhythmic speeds, is the primary texture.
        3. Rhythms are often restless and active.
        4. Melodies are long and asymmetrical.
        5. Harmony is based on open fifths and octaves.
        6. Dissonances are often sharp and unexpected.
        7. Pieces are often built on a cantus firmus, and the structure is formed from repetitions of that melody.
    4. Composers
      1. Anonymous
      2. Hildegard von Bingen (1098-1179)
      3. Guillaume de Machaut (c.1300-1377)
  14. Renaisssance (1450-1600)
    1. Historical Themes
      1. rebirth of classical learning
      2. gradual change from feudal system to the modern state
      3. change in people's views of earth and the cosmos
    2. Musical Context
      1. increased interest in humanist learning
      2. increased patronage of music
      3. territorial expansion and increased wealth
    3. Style
      1. sacred
      2. secular
      3. instrumental
    4. Composers
      1. Guillaume De Fay (1397-1474)
      2. Josquin Desprez (c.1440-1521)
      3. Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina (c.1525-1594)
      4. Claudio Monteverdi (1567-1643)
  15. Classical (1750-1825)
    1. Historical Themes
      1. The Industrial Revolution
      2. The philosophy of the Enlightenment
      3. The political ideals of republican government
    2. Musical Context
      1. Art and "Nature"
      2. The social role of music
      3. The concept of nature in the arts
    3. Style
      1. Simpler textures
      2. Simpler melodies
      3. The piano
      4. Simpler, rational forms
    4. Composers
      1. Franz Joseph Haydn (1732-1809)
      2. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756-1791)
      3. Ludwig Van Beethoven (1770-1827)
  16. Romantic (1825-1900)
    1. Historical Themes
      1. The increasing importance of science in defining a worldview
      2. The rise of European nationalism
      3. A growing autonomy for the arts
    2. Musical Context
      1. Increased interest in nature and the supernatural
      2. The rise of program music
      3. Nationalism and exoticism
      4. Changing status of musicians
    3. Style
      1. Dynamic range is wider, and there is a larger range of sound.
      2. There is a greater variety of instruments, including improved or newly-invented wind instruments.
      3. Melodies are longer, more dramatic and emotional.
      4. Tempos are more extreme, and tempo rubato is often called for.
      5. Harmonies are fuller, often more dissonant.
      6. Formal structures are expanded. These are often determined by the programmatic content of the piece.
    4. Composers
      1. Franz Schubert (1797-1828)
      2. Hector Berlioz (1803-1869)
      3. Frédéric Chopin (1810-1849)
      4. Robert Schumann (1810-1856)
      5. Giuseppe Verdi (1813-1901)
      6. Clara Schumann (1819-1896)
      7. Bedrich Smetana (1824-1884)
      8. Johannes Brahms (1833-1897)
      9. Peter Ilich Tchaikovsky (1840-1893)
      10. Antonin Dvorák (1841-1904)
      11. Claude Debussy (1862-1918)
  17. 20th Century (1900-present)
    1. Historical Themes
      1. Phenomenal changes in technology
      2. The advent of instantaneous global communications
      3. The growth and eventual decline of totalitarian culture
    2. Musical Context
      1. Ambivalant attitudes toward the musical past
      2. A widening gap between "art" and "popular" music
      3. The advent of sound recording
      4. The birth of a "World Music" culture
    3. Style
      1. All sounds are possible (even no sounds).
      2. New instruments and the sounds of popular music have changed the soundscape of the twentieth century.
      3. Contrapuntal textures prevail in art traditions. Popular traditions are centered on homophonic textures.
      4. Rhythmic language can be enormously complex.
      5. Melodies can be long and abstract or reduced to small gestures.
      6. Any harmonic combination is possible. Composers have made use of extreme dissonance as well as microtonal intervals.
      7. Form can be controlled to an almost infinite degree, or it may be the result of improvisation and chance.
    4. Composers
      1. Scott Joplin (1868-1917)
      2. Arnold Schoenberg (1874-1951)
      3. Charles Ives (1874-1954)
      4. Maurice Ravel (1875-1937)
      5. Igor Stravinsky (1882-1971)
      6. Serge Prokofiev (1891-1953)
      7. Duke Ellington (1899-1974)
      8. Aaron Copland (1900-1990)
      9. Leonard Bernstein (1918-1990)
      10. George Crumb (1929- )
  18. Instrument-Specific Skills
    1. Brass
      1. double tonguing
  19. Breathing
    1. Wall of Sound
      1. stagger breathing
        1. do not break phrase connections
        2. when you do breathe, take a full, rhythmic breath
        3. when you breathe, it is okay to leave a note out
        4. after you breathe, play every note
        5. sneak in and sneak out, no one should know you took a breath
    2. Breathing Mechanics
      1. shape of the mouth
        1. "whoa"
      2. Breathe from bottom up
      3. expand rib cage
      4. diaphragm
        1. expand down and out
      5. shoulders down
  20. Articulation
    1. staccato
    2. staccatissimo
    3. legato
    4. tenuto
      1. "doo" articulation
    5. accent
    6. marcato
    7. lifted
      1. "dah" articulation
    8. rapid burst
  21. Bowings
    1. On The String
      1. grande detaché
        1. default stroke that you get when you play “normally”
      2. Louré
      3. Staccato
      4. Martelé
      5. Marcato
      6. Tremolo
      7. Sul Tasto
      8. Sul Ponticello
    2. Off The String
      1. Spiccato
      2. Sautillé
      3. Ricochet
      4. Col legno
    3. Pizzicato
  22. Leadership
  23. Behavior/Etiquette
    1. Classroom Behavior
    2. Rehearsal Behavior
      1. Tradition and Etiquette
  24. Goal Setting
    1. Pre-Test Year 1
    2. Pitch Checkpoint
    3. Major Scale Checkpoint
    4. Rhythm Checkpoint
    5. Minor Scales Checkpoint
    6. Interval Checkpoint
    7. Triads Checkpoint
    8. Articulation & Dynamics Checkpoint
  26. Aural Skills
    1. Intervals
      1. Interval Comparison
        1. Level 1 - All simple intervals, with intervals played ascending only, melodically and from the same starting note.
        2. Level 2 - All simple intervals, with intervals played ascending or descending, melodically and from the same starting note.
        3. Level 3 - All simple intervals, with intervals played ascending only, melodically and from starting notes that are separated by a maximum interval of a perfect 4th.
        4. Level 4 - All simple intervals, with intervals played ascending or descending, melodically and from starting notes that are separated by a maximum interval of a major 6th.
      2. Recognize Intervals
        1. Level 1 - Perfect 4ths, 5ths, Octaves - ascending only, played melodically.
        2. Level 2 - Perfect 4ths, 5ths, Octaves - ascending and descending, played melodically.
        3. Level 3 - Perfect 4ths, 5ths, Octaves, Major 2nds, 3rds - ascending only, played melodically.
        4. Level 4 - Perfect 4ths, 5ths, Octaves, Major 2nds, 3rds - ascending and descending, played melodically.
        5. Level 5 - Perfect 4ths, 5ths, Octaves, Major 2nds, 3rds, Minor 2nds, 3rds, Tritones - ascending and descending, played melodically.
        6. Level 6 - Perfect 4ths, 5ths, Octaves, Major 2nds, 3rds, 6ths, Minor 2nds, 3rds, 6ths, Tritones - ascending and descending, played melodically.
    2. Scales
      1. Recognize harmonic minor
      2. Recognize major scales
      3. Recognize melodic minor scales
      4. Recognize natural minor scales
      5. Play/Sing Concert A Major scale and three forms of f# minor
      6. Play/Sing Concert Ab Major scale and three forms of f minor
      7. Play/Sing Concert B Major scale and three forms of g# minor
      8. Play/Sing Concert Bb Major scale and three forms of g minor
      9. Play/Sing Concert C Major scale and three forms of a minor
      10. Play/Sing Concert D Major scale and three forms of b minor
      11. Play/Sing Concert Db Major scale and three forms of b Flat minor
      12. Play/Sing Concert E Major scale and three forms of c# minor
      13. Play/Sing Concert Eb Major scale and three forms of c minor
      14. Play/Sing Concert F Major scale and three forms of d minor
      15. Play/Sing Concert G Major scale and three forms of e minor
      16. Play/Sing Concert Gb Major scale and three forms of e Flat minor
    3. Sing
      1. Major and Perfect intervals ascending
      2. Minor and diminished intervals ascending
      3. All Major scales
      4. All minor scales
    4. Meter Recognition
      1. Level 1 - Percussive extracts of 4 bars in 2/4, and 3/4, including eighth notes/quavers, quarter notes/crotchets, half notes/minims.
      2. Level 2 - Percussive extracts of 4 bars in 2/4, 3/4 and 4/4, including eighth notes/quavers, quarter notes/crotchets, half notes/minims.
      3. Level 3 - Percussive and melodic extracts of 4 bars in 2/4, 3/4 and 4/4, including eighth notes/quavers, quarter notes/crotchets, dotted quarter notes/crotchets, half notes/minims.
      4. Level 4 - Percussive extracts of 4 bars in 2/4, 3/4, 4/4 and 6/8, including eighth notes/quavers, quarter notes/crotchets, dotted quarter notes/crotchets, half notes/minims.
      5. Level 5 - Melodic extracts of 4 bars in 2/4, 3/4, 4/4 and 6/8, including sixteenth notes/semi quavers, eighth notes/quavers, quarter notes/crotchets, dotted quarter notes/crotchets, half notes/minims.
    5. Recognize macrobeat
      1. recognize quadruple meter
      2. recognize duple meter
      3. recognize triple meter
    6. Triads
      1. Chord Comparison Level 1
      2. Chord Comparison Level 2
      3. Chord Comparison Level 3
      4. Chord Recognition Level 1
      5. Chord Recognition Level 2
      6. Chord Recognition Level 3
  27. Performance Skills
    1. Scales
      1. Fluently play all Major Ascending Scale Bursts
      2. Fluently play all Major 5-note Scale Bursts
      3. Play/Sing Concert A Major scale and three forms of f# minor
      4. Play/Sing Concert Ab Major scale and three forms of f minor
      5. Play/Sing Concert B Major scale and three forms of g# minor
      6. Play/Sing Concert Bb Major scale and three forms of g minor
      7. Play/Sing Concert C Major scale and three forms of a minor
      8. Play/Sing Concert D Major scale and three forms of b minor
      9. Play/Sing Concert Db Major scale and three forms of b Flat minor
      10. Play/Sing Concert E Major scale and three forms of c# minor
      11. Play/Sing Concert Eb Major scale and three forms of c minor
      12. Play/Sing Concert F Major scale and three forms of d minor
      13. Play/Sing Concert G Major scale and three forms of e minor
      14. Play/Sing Concert Gb Major scale and three forms of e Flat minor
    2. Play all ascending Major and Perfect
    3. Play minor and diminsished intervals ascending
    4. All ascending (Maj, min, Aug, dim)
    5. All Major and minor descending intervals
  28. Assessing Performances