Technology Supports & Training
Administrative Software
Aesop (Substitute Request) (All Teachers)
- 45 minutes
Alpine (RTI) (All Teachers)
- ???
Pearson Products (All Teachers)
Power School (SIS) (ALL Teachers)
- 4 hours
Schoology (LMS) (All Teachers)
- 2 hours
Microsoft Exchange (email) (New Teachers)
- 15 minutes
My Learning Plan (Salary Advancement) (New Teachers)
- 1 hour
PD 360 (PD Resources) (New Teachers
- 1 hour: How to access and navigate?
Sharp School (District Website) (New Teachers)
- Forms: How to access?
- IEP Enrich (Sped Teachers)
Instructional Technology
- Sound System
- Projector
- Laptop
- Document Camera/iPad
- Airserver/IWB
- Google Apps (Shared Documents & Storage)
- Nearpod (Lesson Deliveries and Assessment)
- Student Devices
- 30 minutes
Schoology (Learning Managment System)
- 2 hours
- All Teachers
- New Teachers
- Sped Teachers
- Administration
- 1:1 Collaboration
- Online Resources
- Student Tech Crew
- Summer PD
- Tech Tuesday
- Technology Department