1. view
    1. layout
    2. minimap
  2. \Users\DinoLai\AppData\Roaming\Sublime Text 3
  3. Code Snippets
  4. Package Control
    1. Ctrl + `
      1. import urllib.request,os,hashlib; h = '7183a2d3e96f11eeadd761d777e62404' + 'e330c659d4bb41d3bdf022e94cab3cd0'; pf = 'Package Control.sublime-package'; ipp = sublime.installed_packages_path(); urllib.request.install_opener( urllib.request.build_opener( urllib.request.ProxyHandler()) ); by = urllib.request.urlopen( 'http://sublime.wbond.net/' + pf.replace(' ', '%20')).read(); dh = hashlib.sha256(by).hexdigest(); print('Error validating download (got %s instead of %s), please try manual install' % (dh, h)) if dh != h else open(os.path.join( ipp, pf), 'wb' ).write(by)
  5. plug-in
    1. pulg-in rank
      1. https://sublime.wbond.net/
    2. Sublime UI
      1. SidebarEnhancements
        1. 升級側邊欄功能
    3. Tools
      1. Git
        1. Git
          1. Git指令
        2. SublimeGit
          1. Git的進階版
        3. GitGutter
          1. 顯示差異
        4. SideBarGit
          1. 在Sidebar右鍵就可做Git
      2. Covert to UTF8
        1. 解決sublime text 3 無法正常顯示繁簡中的問題
          1. setting
          2. { "encoding_list" : [ ["Chinese Traditional (BIG5)", "BIG5"], ["Chinese Simplified (GBK)", "GBK"], ["Korean (EUC-KR)", "EUC-KR"], ["Japanese (CP932)", "CP932"], ["Japanese (Shift_JIS)", "Shift_JIS"], ["Japanese (EUC-JP)", "EUC-JP"], ["UTF-8", "UTF-8"] ], }
    4. Coding
      1. General
        1. SublimeCodeIntel
          1. 支援更多語言自動完成
          2. Ctrl+左鍵追蹤
        2. SublimeLinter
          1. 動態偵測程式錯誤
          2. 安裝php
          3. 安裝nodejs
          4. setting
          5. paths
          6. "windows": [ "D:/xampp/php/", "C:/Program Files/nodejs" ]
        3. ctags
          1. trace code
          2. http://jingyan.baidu.com/article/63acb44afb532561fcc17ef4.html
          3. find function and definition
          4. download ctags.exe
          5. set command
          6. right click sidebar folder
          7. rebuild tags
          8. ctrl+t twice
        4. Alignment
          1. 以=號為基準排版
        5. Trailing Spaces
          1. 刪除每列最後多餘的空白
      2. HTML+CSS
        1. HTML5
          1. HTML5 bundle for sublime text
        2. Emmet
          1. 快速撰寫html, css
        3. BracketHighlighter
          1. 超明顯的顯示對稱符號
      3. Javascript
        1. JQuery
        2. JsFormat
          1. Javascirpt code 美化
          2. Ctrl+alt+F
      4. PHP
        1. phpcs
        2. sublimeLinter-php
      5. JSON
        1. Pretty JSON
  6. Setting -- User
    1. "word_separators"
      1. del $ for php selection
  7. HotKey
    1. http://www.camdemy.com/media/6211
    2. https://blog.generalassemb.ly/sublime-text-3-tips-tricks-shortcuts/
  8. Reference
    1. 10 Crucial Sublime Text 2 Plugins for the PHP Craftsman
      1. http://www.neverstopbuilding.com/sublime-plugins-for-php
    2. Sublime套件與設定
      1. http://shinychang.net/article/tag/sublime%20text
    3. 好的程式開發工具怎能不試試:Sublime Text
      1. http://ascc.sinica.edu.tw/iascc/articals.php?_section=2.4&_op=?articalID:6710
    4. Sublime Text 手冊
      1. http://docs.sublimetext.tw/
    5. Package Control 總覽
      1. https://sublime.wbond.net/
  9. others
    1. Sync
      1. Dropbox
        1. http://use.sublimetext.tw/2013/05/15/syncing-settings-between-difference-computer-with-dropbox.html