1. Benefits:
    1. Improve the value of the enterprise.
    2. Develop more leaders.
    3. Feel more confident and secure about the future.
    4. Build a foundation of solid leadership and organizational development.
    5. Build a stronger organization.
  2. Situations/Presenting Problems:
    1. Client wants to sell the business.
    2. Client wants to hand the business off.
    3. Client wants to develop a pipeline of leaders and strengthen the organization.
    4. Clients wants a succession plan but doesn't know where to start.
    5. Client knows that various members of the executive team will be leaving or retiring, and wants a plan to prepare.
  3. Framework & Rationale
    1. Behavioral coaching A single behavioral change might improve one's ability to manage, motivate, and develop leaders.
    2. Perceptual coaching Leaders might need to look at perceptions keeping them from giving up control and developing future leaders.
    3. Create a high-performance culture A high-performance culture sets high expectations and challenges leaders throughout to develop and constantly improve results. This builds a pipeline of leaders.
    4. Communicate simply and powerfully Communication is key to implementing a succession plan.
    5. Build high-performing teams High-performance teams are more likely to challenge, stretch, and develop future leaders.
    6. The attitudes of the leader Certain specific attitudes naturally lead to the leadership required to develop an effective succession plan.
    7. Engage and mobilize employees An engaged and mobilized workforce is part of the foundation of a succession plan. In fact, clients should almost always go through this process as part of the succession planning process.
    8. Strategic planning Succession planning starts with strategy, because the organization has to understand strategic drivers and their implications for future talents needs.
  4. TOC
  5. General Inquiry
    1. What does succession planning mean to you?
    2. What would be a great outcome of a succession plan?
    3. What is the timing to create the plan?
    4. What is the timing for execution of the plan?
    5. What is driving the need for a succession plan?
    6. Who else besides yourself should be involved in this process?
    7. What is your own exit strategy from the organization? For instance, when do you plan to exit? (As appropriate:) Do you intend to retire, hand off the organization to an internal team, hand it off to family, or sell?
    8. Which are the key roles that need a succession plan?
    9. What is the timing for succession for each role?
    10. Who are key people who might be retiring, leaving, or moving up and that need a succession plan?
    11. What are your thoughts about succession planning as an ongoing process vs. a one-time event?
    12. What else about succession planning is important to you?
  6. Define Future Performance
    1. What are strategic drivers creating new needs on our organization?
    2. Which talents and roles will continue to be important?
    3. Which new talents will be critical as the organization evolves?
    4. Which new roles do we anticipate needing?
    5. Which key people do we anticipate retiring or leaving?
    6. In
      1. One Year
      2. Three Years
      3. Five Years
      4. Ten Years
  7. Clear Organization Chart
    1. Today
    2. Three Years
    3. Five Years
  8. Roles and Responsibilities
    1. Role
    2. Responsibilities
    3. Authority (and where they don't have authority)
    4. Talents/Skills
    5. Metrics for a "Great" Job
    6. Metrics for a "Good" Job
    7. Metrics for an "Unacceptable" Job
    8. To Whom the Role Reports
  9. Clear Career Path
    1. Role
    2. Potential Progression from Current Role
    3. Time Frame When This Can Happen
    4. Performance Required to Get Into the Role
    5. How We Will Help Develop them to Be Ready/Progress
  10. Processes
    1. The Process
    2. Process Owner
    3. Authority (and where they don't have authority)
    4. How Success of the Process is Defined, Overall
    5. Considerations
      1. Making a product
      2. Generating leads
      3. Closing leads
      4. Processing orders
      5. Billing
      6. Maintenance
      7. Recruiting
      8. Benefits administration
      9. Talent development
      10. Generating financial statements
      11. Procurement of supplies
      12. Customer relationship management
  11. Process Map
    1. Process Name
    2. Process Step
    3. Metrics of Success for the Process
    4. What Can Go Wrong in this Step
    5. How We Monitor and Measure
    6. Ideas to Improve this Step
    7. Person Responsible
  12. Strong Development Planning
    1. Describe your development planning process and how you make sure that it has "teeth."
    2. What are ways you can improve it?
    3. How do you make sure employees get the experiences they need to learn and progress into the next role?
    4. How do you give your employees access to build relationships with more senior leaders and be mentored by them?
    5. Describe your training curriculum for employees at various levels? How can you more directly tie training to specific strategic leadership needs in the organization?
  13. Recruitment
    1. How we find great people
    2. Our recruiting process to screen for the best people
    3. Sample ad for a role that sets our recruiting apart
    4. How we can become a magnet for the best talent by being a top place to work
  14. Strong Performance Management
    1. Name
    2. Aspirations with the Company
    3. Performance (1 to 10)
    4. Potential for Growth (1 to 10)
    5. Overall Percentile vs. Peers
    6. Plan to Best Manage/Lead Them
    7. Idea Joggers:
      1. Remove
      2. Redeploy
      3. Direct and inspect
      4. Manage their expectations/provide training
      5. Re-engage
      6. Mentor/advise
      7. Monitor results and ask if they need help/keep engaged
  15. Reward Systems
  16. Capture Key Knowledge
    1. Role
    2. How to Transfer Key Skills
    3. How to Transfer Process Knowledge
    4. How to Transfer the Informal "How Things Get Done Around Here"
    5. How to Transfer Key Contacts
    6. Other
  17. Address Flight Risks
    1. Flight Risk Name
    2. Why They Might Be Leaving?
    3. What Motivates Them?
    4. How We Can Keep Them Motivated and Engaged?
    5. Next Steps
    6. By Who
    7. By When
  18. Identify Roles for Succession
    1. Role
    2. Talents Needed Now
    3. New Talents Needed Going Forward
    4. Possible Internal Candidates
    5. Pros of Hiring from Outside
    6. Next Steps
  19. Choose Internal High-Potentials
    1. Name
    2. Current Role
    3. Roles He or She Could Fill
    4. Top Development Needs
    5. Possible Mentors
    6. Assignments to Challenge Him or Her
    7. Trainings/ Education
    8. Other Ways to Develop Him/Her
  20. Roles to Fill From Outside
    1. Role
    2. Why We Can't Fill Internally
    3. Recruiting Tactics
    4. Who Recruits
    5. By When
  21. Develop and Test Candidates
    1. Role
    2. How We Will Develop and Test Candidates for that Role
    3. Who is Responsible
    4. Next Steps
    5. By When
  22. Action Plan
    1. Put everything together into a comprehensive action plan for succession planning….
    2. Task
    3. Who
    4. By When
    5. Measure of Success
  23. Phase 1
  24. Phase 2
  25. Phase 3
  26. Phase 4