1. Kevin Hogan (Moderator)
    1. Panelists
      1. Subtopic 1
      2. Doug Levin,
        1. What makes education public is not who pays for it. It is critical for the public
      3. Linda Nathan
      4. Michael Horn
        1. Language is a problem -- predefined notions
        2. Need to get away from funding on seat time.
        3. Need to rethink standards
          1. Standards are are good as long as they are presriptive
          2. Prescriptive leads to standarization
        4. Central vs. decentralized
          1. misses the point. Somethings should be centralized and some not.
      5. Christina Alverez
        1. Doing a disertation on SLA
        2. Educators need to constantly achive the Macro view. We need to examine our conceptual frameworks
        3. "What is the purpose of Education?"
        4. David Labert Private Goods Public Goods -- http://embrangler.com/2009/10/ed60-labaree/
      6. Jolley Chrisman
        1. Capacity
          1. Human Capital
          2. Social Capital
          3. Material resources
          4. Structural Capacity
          5. Policies and procedures
      7. Melfe Kayasontee
        1. Education system needs to be reformed from time to time
        2. As the country changes, education needs to change
        3. Between NCLB & Race to the top, there is one pedagogical theme, anyone can teach a child, who loves the child.
  2. What Is The Relationship / Disconnect Between Policy Reform and Pedagogical Reform?"
    1. What is the most effective policy in the running of your school?
      1. Christina Alverez
        1. What's not is NCLB
        2. What's not is centralized control
        3. Teachers are begging for permission to innovate and work as professionals
          1. Policies have tsunamied that
          2. They have created fear among teachers (Toxic)
      2. Melfe Kayasontee
        1. Policies that give teachers space and permission to innovate.
        2. Bookkeeping prevents innovation
        3. Policies should promote what we value (see mission statement)
      3. Jolley Chrisman
        1. Common Planning Time is effective policy
        2. Policies that promote professional conversation...
    2. Is anyone asking educators about policies at the state and federal level
      1. Doug Levin
        1. No! The work of Federal law is done by people who are between the ages of 21 & 27.
      2. Michael Horn
        1. Disruptive innovation shows a better way and requires change
        2. Innovation happens in regulated industries, but never instigated by the regulators.
          1. Florida Virtual Schools is an example
        3. We don't understand the world we are preparing students for.
          1. Admitting this requires humility
          2. Requires risk-taking
      3. Doug Levin
        1. Disruption from outside the system
          1. There needs to be a theory for how we attack policy
          2. You can only fight the system for so long
    3. What's the value of politidcal ideology but bad for children
      1. Doug Levin
        1. All the ideas are driving by political ideologies
        2. Evevery voice deserves to be heard
        3. You get a new leader, and it all changes
        4. Education is amazingly resiliant in the fact of change agency
        5. The notion has been encouraged by the media that it's really broken
          1. Wrong, we need incrimental improvement
    4. What about Charter Schools. Are there valuable elements there?
      1. Melfe Kayasontee
        1. Teacher development is more important than charter schools
        2. Leadership is more important
        3. Some charter schools do professional development very well.
      2. Jolley Chrisman
        1. Studied Charter schools
          1. The perform about the same as nonCharter Schools
          2. They are interestingly & disruptivly innovative
          3. Afro-centric schools have a culture of loving relationships
          4. Some charter schools are good at saying (doing), "You are not falling through the cracks" But this happens is some public schools as well.
      3. Christina Alverez
        1. 1: Innovation incubators
        2. 2: is it scalable
        3. Chater schools are a market model for education
          1. How do I make a brand, market, industry
        4. The theme of the charter must be part of the culture of the school, so that the message can be dlivered by
          1. Leadership
          2. Teachers
          3. Students
    5. Can we structure schools for success? (not sure I got the question right!)
      1. Melfe Kayasontee
        1. What about all the black boys who fail
        2. They don't fail, because they don't even try
        3. First, how do we get them to try
      2. Doug Levin
        1. Education may not be the most risk-adverse endeavor
        2. We're really suffering from a lack of imagination
        3. Charter's job is not to find one model that everyone can copy