1. institutional strategy, objectives and policies
    1. BERLiN
    2. OCEP
    3. OpenExeter
    4. OpenSpires
    5. OpenStaffs
    6. OTTER
    7. Unicycle
  2. senior management support
    1. BERLiN
    2. OCEP
    3. OpenExeter
    4. OpenSpires
    5. OpenStaffs
    6. OTTER
    7. Unicycle
  3. active involvement of academics
    1. BERLiN
    2. OpenExeter
    3. OCEP
    4. OpenSpires
    5. Unicycle
  4. integrated into CD process
    1. BERLiN
    2. OCEP
    3. OpenExeter
    4. OTTER
  5. existing institutional repository
    1. BERLiN
    2. OCEP
    3. Unicycle
  6. content repurposeful for local use
    1. BERLiN
  7. links with other OER organisations
    1. BERLiN
    2. OpenExeter
  8. took six years to embed research repository
    1. BERLiN
  9. routinisation of oer use and reuse
    1. BERLiN
    2. OpenExeter
    3. OCEP
    4. OpenSpires
    5. Unicycle
  10. increasing culture of openess
    1. BERLiN
    2. OCEP
    3. OpenExeter
  11. valuing pedagogic innovation
    1. OCEP
  12. repository teams
    1. OCEP
    2. Unicycle
  13. staff development programmes
    1. OCEP
    2. OpenExeter
    3. OpenSpires
    4. BERLiN
  14. publishing multiple formats may be unsustainable
    1. OTTER
  15. evidence of use
    1. OTTER
  16. embed recognition and reward
    1. Unicycle
  17. utilising existing university processes
    1. OCEP
    2. Unicycle
    3. BERLiN
    4. OpenStaffs