1. Natural Living
    1. Permaculture
      1. courses
        1. Monkton Wyld Court, Dorset
          1. courses, biodynamics, coppice woodland
        2. Ragmans Lane Farm, Gloucestershire
          1. farm and courses
      2. Inspiration
        1. Permaculture LAND initiative
          1. "Learning And Network of Demonstrations"
          2. near(ish)
          3. Karuna in Shropshire
          4. 'compassion', forest gardening
          5. Harpsbridge House, Lincolnshire
          6. retrofitted house, ethics and family life
          7. Permorganics, Northants
          8. permaculture smallholding
          9. Station Road garden, South Shropshire
          10. small scale suburban ex-council house
          11. Sylvan Project, Coventry
          12. 5 acres small holding, orchard etc.
          13. far
          14. Landmatters, Totnes
          15. eco-oriented community association
      3. reading
        1. Permaculture magazine
          1. Exact Editions online
    2. Biodynamics
      1. courses
        1. http://www.bdacollege.org.uk/
      2. http://www.biodynamic.org.uk/
  2. Ecohome
    1. Strawbale
      1. learning/expertise
        1. http://www.amazonails.org.uk
      2. inspiration
        1. http://www.quietearth.org.uk/
          1. St Dogmaels, Pembrokeshire!
    2. Barratt Homes (!)
      1. Hanham Hall near Bristol - ecovillage
    3. information hubs
      1. http://www.sustainablebuild.co.uk/