1. Marketing
    1. Seller Lead Generation
      1. Offline
        1. Direct Mail
          1. Creating Mailing Lists
          2. Absentee Owners
          3. Probate
          4. Longstanding Listings
          5. Multiple Agencies
          6. Yellow Letters
          7. DIY
          8. Outsourced
          9. Postcards
          10. Outsourced
          11. Formal Letters
          12. DIY
          13. Outsourced
          14. Schedule
        2. Bandit Signs
        3. Prospecting
          1. Calling Landlords
          2. Craiglist for rent
          3. Gumtree for Rent
          4. Rightmove for Rent
          5. Zoopla for Rent
          6. Spare Rooms for Rent
        4. Birddogs
          1. Webform Submission
      2. Online
        1. Google PPC
        2. Facebook PPC
        3. Linkedin PPC
        4. Youtube
        5. SwiftPropertySale.co.uk
        6. Craiglist
        7. Gumtree.com
        8. Houseladder
        9. Vacants and FSBO
      3. Follow up
        1. Adding to Autoresponder
        2. Setting Reminders on Podio
        3. VoiceBlasts
        4. SMS Blast
        5. Email Blast
        6. What’sApp Blast
    2. Buyer Lead Generation
      1. Offline
        1. Auctions
        2. Bandit Signs
        3. Newspaper Ads
        4. Networking
        5. Referrals
        6. Shop Window Ads
        7. Notice Boards
        8. Training / Mentees
      2. Online
        1. Gumtree
        2. Right Move
        3. Zoopla
        4. SwiftPropertySale
          1. Autoresponder
    3. Tracking and Reporting
  2. Administrative
    1. Podio CRM
      1. Globiflow
      2. Editing Pages
      3. Zapier/Itduzzit
    2. Bookkeeping
    3. Contracts
      1. Webmerge
      2. HelloSign
    4. Phone System
      1. Vumber
      2. Callfire
    5. Working Procedures
    6. Hiring New People
      1. In-House
        1. Creating Job post
        2. Pre-screening Candidates
        3. Phone Interview
        4. In Person Interview
        5. Orientation and Training
      2. Virtual
        1. Odesk.com
        2. Elance.com
    7. Websites
    8. Computer Systems
      1. Email
        1. Signature
        2. Boomerang
        3. Streak Setup
          1. Email Templates
        4. Creating new email address and forwarding
      2. Dropbox
        1. Login and Installing
      3. Icontact Autoresponder
  3. Networking and Education
    1. Auctions
    2. Property Meetings
      1. National Landlords Meetings
      2. Berkshire Property Meetings
      3. Simon Zuchi Meetings
      4. Progressive Property
      5. Property Insight & The Insight Group (Webinar)
    3. Podcasts
      1. insidepropertyinvesting. com
      2. thepropertypodcast. com
      3. propertygeek. net/property-geek-pod
      4. thepropertyhub. net
  4. Acquisitions
    1. Lead Intake
    2. Pre-Screening Leads
      1. Seller Situations
        1. Relocate
        2. Upsize
        3. Downsize
        4. Debts
        5. Broken chain
        6. Probate
        7. Inherited
        8. Repossession
        9. Mortgage free
        10. Little to No Equity
        11. A Lot of Equity
        12. Eviction
        13. Fixer upper
        14. Tired Landlord
        15. Divorce / separation
        16. Ill health
        17. Quick Sale
        18. Neighbourhood Quality
        19. Street Condition and Location
    3. Talking to Sellers
      1. Objections
      2. Determining Motivation
      3. Set appointment
      4. View & Discuss Situation
      5. Make Written Offer
    4. Deal Analysis
      1. Estimating Repairs
      2. Comparables
      3. Property Sale Profit Analysis
    5. Writing Offers
      1. Types of offers
        1. Agency Sale
        2. JV Repairs
        3. Lease option
        4. Secure Package & Sell
        5. Structuring the Offer Terms
        6. Determining Offer Price
      2. Preparing and sending
        1. Email offer template
        2. Mailing offer template
        3. Other Electronic Offer Template
    6. Appointments
      1. Setting The Appointment
      2. Due Diligence before appointment
      3. What to bring
      4. Taking Pictures
  5. Property Sales
    1. Marketing Checklist
      1. Valuation
      2. Title Search
      3. Sales Process Explained
      4. Sales Commission Agreed
      5. Identification confirmed
      6. Sales Agreement Signed
      7. Getting Access
      8. Contact VIP Buyers
      9. For Sale Board
      10. Uploading to Internet
      11. Prevalidate Prospective Buyers
      12. Confirm Viewings
      13. Viewings
      14. Post Viewings
      15. Update Buyers List
      16. JV Agreement
      17. Direct Mail Flyers
    2. Qualifying Buyers
      1. Questions To ask
      2. Getting POF
    3. Exit Strategies
      1. Agency Sale
      2. Arrears Negotiation
      3. Assisted Sale
      4. Billboard
      5. BTL
      6. Commercial Sublease
      7. Fixer Upper
      8. Installment Contract
      9. JV Builder
      10. JV Deposit
      11. JV Credit
      12. Landlord Portfolio
      13. LHA
      14. Flip
      15. Lease Option
      16. Lease Option Swap
      17. Lease Option in Lease Option
      18. Package & Resell
      19. Rent to Rent
      20. Tenant Buyer
      21. Title spilt
      22. Value Add Planning Permission