- Always welcome with sharing opinions at any stage of the project
- Exploring successfull/innovative Projects
- Freedom to brainstorm all the way.
Publishing product using Social Media
- Facebook
- Twitter
- Blogspot
- Reaching target audiences needs/expectations
- Competition from Zenith Team
- Our confidential ideas on enhancing the features in project may be spilled to other team.
- Risk of rejection by the market
- Language Barriers among diverse Team
- Lack of vast knowledge and experience in Business
- Being shy to share ideas
- Not Listening at times
- Exposure to different perspective ideas/thoughts with the help of diverse team
- We have a creative team with an impressive/Knowledgable Skills related to the project
We have sufficient resources necessary to participate in such projects;
- Human Capital
- Equipment/tools Needed
- Document/Team of Contract
Well planned Brand Details
- Color
- Material Type
- Size
- Price
Team of with good Marketing skills
People Skills
- Customer/Public Relations
- Funny
- Maintain the focus of selling the product
- Free Advertising
Introduce Promotional Activities
- "Tell your friend about the bags and get 10% discount on your purchase".
- (Pioneer) First company to come up with this idea
- Eco-friendly Project
- Summary : This Analysis is a plan of project action mainly designed to achieve our particular goal, while in our case its
"winning" in successful completion and production of Handy Lunch bag. It also brief the details specifying the
objective of the business venture/project and identifying the internal and external factors that are favorable
and unfavorable to achieve that end target.