1. Internal
    1. Weakness
      1. My self doubt and self judgement that what I'm doing isn't good
      2. My tendency to not stay balanced with work and my own physical health
      3. That I tend to shut down a bit if I feel attacked
    2. Strengths
      1. Ability to effectively problem solve
        1. Strength 1a
        2. Strength 1b
      2. Being open minded about other people's experiences and actions
      3. My ability to stay positive
      4. My passion for writing and story telling
  2. External
    1. Opportunities
      1. My support network of friends of family
      2. Opportunity to earn a living, get my Master's degree, and pursue my writing passion
      3. Useful connections within my local community and the global community
    2. Threats
      1. The harsh reality of the publishing industry
      2. Lack of money
      3. Lack of time