1. Internal
    1. Weakness
      1. Pefectionist tendencies
      2. Lack of formal design experience
      3. Perceived lack of artistic/drawing skills
      4. Still unfamiliar with much content
        1. Local ecology
        2. Enterprise design
        3. Applied learning theory
        4. Organizational design
      5. Insufficient documentation of past work
      6. Still not fully committed to this Island
      7. Over-leveraged with insufficient cashflow
    2. Strengths
      1. Committed, dedicated, with a solid work ethic
      2. A polite, respectable young man (can pass as a conservative)
      3. Communication and collaboration skills
        1. Can speak many 'languages' and wear many hats.
      4. Observant opportunist
      5. Academic/research record of excellence (good for perceptions)
      6. Resilient, adaptable, flexible
      7. Sure, I'll give it a try!
      8. Frugal
  2. External
    1. Opportunities
      1. Gaia U epistemic community
      2. PEI's agriculture industry in crises
        1. Succession plans needed
        2. Young farmers wanted
        3. Subtopic 3
      3. Small Island, big impact?
        1. Bioscience and nutraceutical industries
        2. Growing network of colleagues
          1. Dept. Agriculture
          2. Innovation PEI
          3. Industry
          4. Farm Centre Association
          5. ADAPT Council
      4. Countless market niches are unfilled
        1. Experiential education
        2. Permaculture design/install
        3. Change-agent collaboration
        4. Novel farming opportunities remain untapped
    2. Threats
      1. Small local market
        1. Market needs educating about design offerings
        2. Diversity of revenues needed to survive
        3. A lot of investment (time, energy) to yield returns.
      2. High local unemployment challenges fund-earning
      3. Creditors
      4. Inept provincial government