- Pefectionist tendencies
- Lack of formal design experience
- Perceived lack of artistic/drawing skills
Still unfamiliar with much content
- Local ecology
- Enterprise design
- Applied learning theory
- Organizational design
- Insufficient documentation of past work
- Still not fully committed to this Island
- Over-leveraged with insufficient cashflow
- Committed, dedicated, with a solid work ethic
- A polite, respectable young man (can pass as a conservative)
Communication and collaboration skills
- Can speak many 'languages' and wear many hats.
- Observant opportunist
- Academic/research record of excellence (good for perceptions)
- Resilient, adaptable, flexible
- Sure, I'll give it a try!
- Frugal
- Gaia U epistemic community
PEI's agriculture industry in crises
- Succession plans needed
- Young farmers wanted
- Subtopic 3
Small Island, big impact?
- Bioscience and nutraceutical industries
Growing network of colleagues
- Dept. Agriculture
- Innovation PEI
- Industry
- Farm Centre Association
- ADAPT Council
Countless market niches are unfilled
- Experiential education
- Permaculture design/install
- Change-agent collaboration
- Novel farming opportunities remain untapped
Small local market
- Market needs educating about design offerings
- Diversity of revenues needed to survive
- A lot of investment (time, energy) to yield returns.
- High local unemployment challenges fund-earning
- Creditors
- Inept provincial government