Two idealogical Syllabuses
Freire's (1975): Learners to bank received knowledge as a collection of communities / state of knowing
- extrinsic, idealistic, and static 'reality'
- to sustain some social order
Dewey's (1910): encourages learners to explore ways to knowing, interpret knowledge
- intrinsic, personal, 'reality' in process
- to engage and challenge this world-view
- Action, reflection, participation, organization
Habermas (1970)
- learner: values & principles transmitted through TEACHING
- Readiness to negotiate Values, a critical nonconfirmity in given cases to transmitted principles.
two types
- Dichotomy for the CONTENT
- METHODOLOGY of language teaching syllabuses
SYLLABUS: Specification & planning of what is to be learned
- Prescriptions for action by teachers and learners
- Achievements at the end
Defined in two ways
Broadly Defined
- Objectives
Narrowly Defined
- Locally; particular class
Two views
Traditional view
- as COMMANDS for what is to take place
- Centralized, management-oriented & predictive
- not inevitable
Stenhouse (1975)
- Continuing disparity
- Intention & reality
- Theory & realization
- Ends-means model & explicit-action change model