1. Two idealogical Syllabuses
    1. Freire's (1975): Learners to bank received knowledge as a collection of communities / state of knowing
      1. extrinsic, idealistic, and static 'reality'
      2. to sustain some social order
    2. Dewey's (1910): encourages learners to explore ways to knowing, interpret knowledge
      1. intrinsic, personal, 'reality' in process
      2. to engage and challenge this world-view
      3. Action, reflection, participation, organization
  2. Habermas (1970)
    1. Handeln
      1. learner: values & principles transmitted through TEACHING
    2. Diskurs
      1. Readiness to negotiate Values, a critical nonconfirmity in given cases to transmitted principles.
  3. two types
    1. Dichotomy for the CONTENT
    2. METHODOLOGY of language teaching syllabuses
  4. SYLLABUS: Specification & planning of what is to be learned
    1. Prescriptions for action by teachers and learners
    2. Achievements at the end
  5. Defined in two ways
    1. Broadly Defined
      1. Objectives
    2. Narrowly Defined
      1. Locally; particular class
  6. Two views
    1. Traditional view
      1. as COMMANDS for what is to take place
      2. Centralized, management-oriented & predictive
      3. not inevitable
    2. Stenhouse (1975)
      1. Continuing disparity
      2. Conflict
        1. Intention & reality
        2. Theory & realization
        3. Ends-means model & explicit-action change model