1. Success!
    1. respectful
    2. focused
    3. attention
    4. fed
    5. law-abiding
    6. low-voice
    7. permission
  2. Protocol
    1. Talk
    2. Walk
    3. Private
  3. Discipline
    1. correction
    2. consequence
    3. referral
  4. Expectations
    1. prepared
      1. daybook
        1. $1
      2. paper
        1. $1
      3. pens/pencils
        1. $1
    2. quietly
  5. Course
    1. Intro
      1. outline
        1. Economy
        2. Entrepreneurship
        3. Business Institutions
        4. Marketing
        5. Human Resources
        6. Career Planning
        7. Making Purchases
        8. Credit
        9. Money Management
        10. Insurance
      2. schedule
        1. Mon
        2. Tues
        3. Wed
        4. Thurs
        5. Fri
      3. grading
        1. participation
          1. HW
          2. classwork
        2. quizzes
          1. written
          2. daybook
          3. labs
        3. tests
          1. units
          2. final
    2. Entrepren
      1. outline
        1. Entrepreneurship Defined
        2. Research and Planning
        3. Marketing Strategy
        4. Managing Processes
        5. Financing
        6. Business Expansion
      2. schedule
        1. Mon
        2. Tues
        3. Wed
        4. Thurs
        5. Fri
      3. grading
        1. participation
          1. HW
          2. classwork
        2. quizzes
          1. weekly
          2. daybook
          3. labs
        3. tests
          1. units
          2. projects
          3. paper
          4. presentation
    3. BizTech
      1. outline
        1. Workplace Technology
        2. Collaboration Tools
        3. Web Applications
        4. Image Manipulation
        5. Publications
        6. Product Evaluation
        7. Speaking and Presentations
        8. Video Creation
        9. Web-design
      2. grading
        1. participation
        2. projects
      3. 50/50%