Job description
Only appropriate candidates apply for the position
- Qualified
Those who live near the business or are willing to travel
- Location
Gives candidate an insight into what to expect from the position
This will ensure that the same questions are not repeatedly asked by candidates in interviews
- Saves time
- Assists the organisation collaborate an effective application form and person specification
Person specification
- The purpose of this document is to ensure that you have to right person for the right position
- Right skills
- Qualified
- Personality
- Flexible
Application form
Allows recruiter to see why the person wants the job
- Personal statement
- See how up to date qualifications are
See how skilled a candidate is
- Communication
- Networking
- Organisational
- Flexible
- Provides necessary information a recruiter will need to know
- Confirms qualifications
- Informs on experience
Allows recruiter to contact referee
- Can this person be trusted?...
Gives an insight to who the person is
- Special achievements / awards
- Hobbies & interests
Criteria Checklist
- This ensures that the candidate has met the necessary criteria for the position
Ensures that candidate is qualified or experienced
- Proof of Qualifications
- References
Person is who they say they are
Proof of Identity
- Passport
- Driving License
- Proof of address
That the candidate was well prepared and has provided all the necessary documentation
This shows:
- The candidate is keen
- Well organised
Question & Answer in Interview
- It is important to be prepared and know what questions candidates will be asked
- Interviewers need to make notes of how well an interviewee answered questions
- Check answers against CV or application form
- It is important that all candidates are treated equally / fairly and are asked the same questions
- However, questions are prepared in accordance to the information provided by the candidate in their application form or CV
- This document creates awareness of the position
- The information contained in it will attract 'suitable' candidates for that position
- Informs people of location, which is important as potential employees need to take travel into account
- Gives people an idea of how much they will earn. This is important for larger families.