I'm afraid I won't be able to keep up with what the latest technology is
- pay more attention to what the computer at the school offers
making sure students are monitored as they independently work with technology.
- have conferences with students and make sure they are on task, occasionally checking on each group periodically
I feel like I don't always know how to properly work some technology and it can be intimidating
- ask the professionals
- Maleigh Griffin MEDT 3401 Summer 2011
- I like using videos to help reinfoces topics or as attention getters
- feels confident in intergrating some type of technology in lessons
- I like using a mocrophone during class, because it motivated students to participate
it is very frustrating when technlogy does not work properly
- have a back up plan in case technolgy falls through
intimidating trying to keep up with all the different technolgies
- listen to the news, search the web, and pay attention to students
If students are not sure how to properly use technology
- read manuals and ask for the help of IT people that work at school
- Use the resources that the librarian offers
- The library has many tools to use
- I like how there are websites that have educational videos
Assisstive technolgy
- Speech to Text
- Screen enlargers
Top 5 tools
Wiki Books and Wikis
- Group work
Virtual Manipulatives
- learning math
- homework
Smart boards
- presentations and notes
google docs and Xmind
- organizing and writing
Essential Conditions
- consistent and adequate funding
- Equitability and success
- implementation planning
2 goals
- I want to improve my skills by maybe going to conferences or meetings that are available
- Do not be afraid to ask for help, and collaborate with other teachers on integrating technology, some may be better at it than others