- Annette Preston
MEDT 3401
Fall 2011
- Tips for using XMind
Use Shift+Enter to go down a line in a given bubble
Double-click a bubble to edit text.
- Floating Topic
Top 5 Tools
Tool 1
- Implementation Plan
Tool 2
- Successful Strategies for Meeting the Needs of Diverse Learners
Tool 3
- Tegrity
Tool 4
- Smart Boards
Tool 5
- English Vocabulary Building Games
Essential Conditions I Can Influence
- Cirriculun Framework
- Student-Centered Learning
- Assessment and evaluation
2 Goals
- Model Digital-Age Work
- Design and develop Digital-Age Learning Experiences and Assessments
Assistive Technology Tools
- Screen enlarger
- Pictures on small keyboards
My Threats
Limited computers
- Teach students to share
No computer in classroom
- Bring my personal laptop
Children unaware of how to surf the internet
- Teach children how to surf the internet
My Opportunities
- Computer access
- Internet access
- Web tutorials
My Weaknesses
A little intimidated by technology
- Continue learning
Typing skills
- Continue to improve
Mechanics of Technology
- Continue learning
My Strengths
- Expanded knowledge of using the web
- Pod casting
- Video making