1. Ally Dunleavy (SPED major) MEDT 3401 Fall 2011
  2. Tips for using XMind Use Shift+Enter to go down a line in a given bubble Double-click a bubble to edit text.
  3. Top 5 Tools
    1. Portfolio Creation
      1. Topic
    2. Portable Word Processing Device
      1. Topic
    3. DVD or Powerpoint
      1. Topic
    4. Classroom Tested Tech Tools Used to Boost Literacy
      1. Topic
    5. Internet
      1. Topic
  4. Essential Conditions I Can Influence
    1. Engaged Communities- I can partner with certain groups so that we may support/fund digital resources, the use of technology, and the use of ICT.
    2. Shared Vision- I can share my plans for educating students with the people dealing with my classes, including their parents
    3. Skilled Personnel- I will be skilled enough to help the people working with my class better understand why it is beneficial to integrate technology
  5. 2 Goals
    1. I would like to improve on broadening my technological horizons so that I may be able to reach out to ALL of my students with special needs and allow them to learn via technology tools
    2. I need to work on my persuasion skills because I know, in my field, there are many objective people that will have doubts about my plans to integrate technology. So I will have to work on being able to persuade those people and making them see the positives of my intentions
  6. Assistive Technology Tools
    1. Adjustable Desks would be ideal for my students in wheelchairs since I plan on teaching severe classes
    2. Inverted Screens would make it easier on my students with vision disabilities or epilepsy because a black screen with white characters is less harsh
  7. My Threats
    1. Distractions
      1. I could prevent this by keeping my room simple and sophisticated, but still a great environment to focus and learn in
    2. School Board/ Principal/ Parents
      1. I could show them the proven benefits of integrating technology and ways to overcome their doubts and fears
    3. Lack of knowledge
      1. I could study up on the method of technology until I comprehend it enough to integrate it into my classroom
  8. My Opportunities
    1. Teacher's Aid could assist me in integrating technology
    2. YouTube could help show me the necessary steps to take to integrate certain tools into my classroom
    3. My tk20 could remind me of all the lessons I learned in each MEDT class
  9. My Weaknesses
    1. Lack of time
      1. Learn to prioritize better
    2. Weak immune system
      1. Keep a substitute up-to-date with what I'm teaching so they can step in
    3. Depression
      1. I can do everything in my power to prevent whatever it may be that puts me in that "funk" so that it does not affect my class
  10. My Strengths
    1. Creativity- I am very creative in how I do things, so I plan on integrating technology in a way that will NOT intimidate my students
    2. Fairness- I believe in everyone getting equal opportunities and I plan on incorporating that into my classroom
    3. Technology skills- I like to stay on top of the latest technology so that I can transfer my knowledge to my students and assist them in any issues they may have