- Ally Dunleavy (SPED major)
MEDT 3401
Fall 2011
- Tips for using XMind
Use Shift+Enter to go down a line in a given bubble
Double-click a bubble to edit text.
Top 5 Tools
Portfolio Creation
- Topic
Portable Word Processing Device
- Topic
DVD or Powerpoint
- Topic
Classroom Tested Tech Tools Used to Boost Literacy
- Topic
- Topic
Essential Conditions I Can Influence
- Engaged Communities- I can partner with certain groups
so that we may support/fund digital resources, the use of
technology, and the use of ICT.
- Shared Vision- I can share my plans for educating students
with the people dealing with my classes, including their parents
- Skilled Personnel- I will be skilled enough to help the people
working with my class better understand why it is beneficial to
integrate technology
2 Goals
- I would like to improve on broadening my technological horizons
so that I may be able to reach out to ALL of my students with
special needs and allow them to learn via technology tools
- I need to work on my persuasion skills because I know, in my field,
there are many objective people that will have doubts about my
plans to integrate technology. So I will have to work on being
able to persuade those people and making them see the
positives of my intentions
Assistive Technology Tools
- Adjustable Desks would be ideal for my students
in wheelchairs since I plan on teaching severe classes
- Inverted Screens would make it easier on my students with
vision disabilities or epilepsy because a black screen
with white characters is less harsh
My Threats
- I could prevent this by keeping my room simple and
sophisticated, but still a great environment to focus and learn in
School Board/ Principal/ Parents
- I could show them the proven benefits of integrating
technology and ways to overcome their doubts and fears
Lack of knowledge
- I could study up on the method of technology until
I comprehend it enough to integrate it into my classroom
My Opportunities
- Teacher's Aid could assist me in integrating technology
- YouTube could help show me the necessary steps to
take to integrate certain tools into my classroom
- My tk20 could remind me of all the lessons I learned in each MEDT class
My Weaknesses
Lack of time
- Learn to prioritize better
Weak immune system
- Keep a substitute up-to-date with
what I'm teaching so they can step in
- I can do everything in my power to prevent whatever it may
be that puts me in that "funk" so that it does not affect my class
My Strengths
- Creativity- I am very creative in how I do things, so I plan on integrating
technology in a way that will NOT intimidate my students
- Fairness- I believe in everyone getting equal opportunities
and I plan on incorporating that into my classroom
- Technology skills- I like to stay on top of the latest technology so that I can
transfer my knowledge to my students and assist them in any issues they may have