1. Tammy Burger MEDT 3401 Fall 2011
  2. Top 5 Tools
    1. 4kids.org
      1. Strategy
        1. 4Kids.org
    2. Waterford Early Reading Program Software
      1. Topic
    3. BrainPop
      1. Topic
    4. ABC-Ya
      1. Topic
    5. Fun School
      1. Topic
  3. Essential Conditions I Can Influence
    1. Ongoing Professional Learning
    2. Student Centered Learning
    3. Empowered Leaders
  4. 2 Goals
    1. Practice using the technology tools I used such as podcast and digital movie software
    2. Take additional classes to stay aware with the most up to date technology
  5. Assistive Technology Tools
    1. Podcast
    2. Glogs
  6. My Threats
    1. Time Management
      1. Do work first to see what problems could arise and how long it will take
    2. Up to date Computers
      1. Purchase up to date software that is compatible with the computers you have at your school
    3. Computer availability
      1. Plan lessons so that you can complete tasks during computer lab times
  7. My Opportunities
    1. Teachers with knowledge of technology tools at the school
    2. Chance to take technology classes when offered
    3. Technology at home so practice can make perfect
  8. My Weaknesses
    1. SmartBoards
      1. Teacher assistance
    2. Digital Movies
      1. Use already made ones for examples
    3. Copyright Laws
      1. Find Laws on website and print out as reference
  9. My Strengths
    1. Power Point
    2. Excel
    3. Microsoft Word