1. Amanda Stephens MEDT 3401 Summer 2011
  2. Top 5 Tools
    1. Tool 1
      1. Screen Enlarger
    2. Tool 2
      1. Track Ball
    3. Tool 3
      1. Speech output software
    4. Tool 4
      1. Braille printouts
    5. Tool 5
      1. Spell check and Grammar check
  3. Essential Conditions I Can Influence
    1. Engaged Communities
    2. Student-Centered Learning
    3. Ongoing Professional Learning
  4. 2 Goals
    1. That I apply technology in a variety of ways to assess my students knowledge and skills on different subjects.
    2. That I use a variety of technology in every lesson to improve my students knowledge and use of technology.
  5. Assistive Technology Tools
    1. WriteOnline
    2. Read&Write GOLD (TextHelp)
  6. My Threats
    1. Not having enough funding to supply the school with technology resources
      1. Applying for all possible grants and scholarships.
    2. Not having the support from the school or local community with integrating technology into the classroom.
      1. Provide opportunities for the community to come explore the technology that we plan on integrating into the classroom.
    3. Technology being used and abused in the classroom.
      1. Have clear goals and rules in the beginning and applying punishment when those rules are broke.
  7. My Opportunities
    1. Applying for grants to fund the classroom with the technology we need to help our students
    2. Providing an IT person to speak and teach the school employees on how to properly integrate technology into their classroom.
    3. Start a technology fair for the students and parents to teach and learn more about technology in the school systems.
  8. My Weaknesses
    1. Not having enough time to play around with different resources to further my education on technology
      1. I can plan an hour a day with my schedule to look at different resources for technology.
    2. Not reading reviews or paper resources about new and upcoming technology
      1. I can subscribe to an education technology magazine.
    3. Not surrounding myself with tech people around me to guide me into exploring new technology.
      1. Gain some friends who love technology and could guide me into using the best technological resources.
  9. My Strengths
    1. Having access and learning how to use technology properly at an early age.
    2. Loving new technology and willing to learn about new technology to further advance my knowledge.
    3. The ability to use resources to educate myself on new and upcoming technology.