1. Dental Anatomy
    1. 32 teeth
      1. 8 in each quadrant
      2. Tooth #1
        1. Upper right wisdom tooth
      3. most ppl have less than 32
        1. can have a 3rd set of teeth
          1. rarer
    2. Enamel
      1. outer cover
        1. protects dentin
      2. enameloblasts
        1. die
          1. cannot innate heal enamel
      3. main problem
        1. bacteria + CHOs = acid
          1. = demineralization
          2. = caries
    3. Dentin
      1. if enamel wears down
        1. lays down secondary dentin
        2. root canal
    4. Pulp chamber
      1. nerve
        1. artery
          1. vein
          2. feeds dentin
  2. periodontal dz
    1. loose contact btw gum and cementum?
  3. Dental Caries
    1. very common worldwide
      1. less in S.A. and Africa
    2. Etiology
      1. Susceptible tooth surface
      2. bacterial build-up
        1. plaque
          1. overtime
          2. tartar
        2. Streptococcus mutans
      3. Fermentible CHOs
    3. Sites of Tooth Decay
      1. pit and fissure caries
        1. can spread to dentine
      2. smooth surface caries
        1. most common
      3. root caries
        1. dt receded gums
          1. exposes dentin
    4. Prevention
      1. Saliva
        1. source of
          1. Ca
          2. Phosphate
          3. remineralization
        2. clears away food debris
        3. salivary proteins
          1. adhere to teeth
          2. protect enamel against acids
          3. aka pellicle
      2. pH
        1. neutral
        2. acid
          1. bacteria
          2. fermentable CHO
          3. demineralization
          4. pH <5.7
          5. increasing how often you eat it
          6. increases amount of damage
          7. Worst foods are "sticky"
          8. rasins, cereal bars
      3. Brushing teeth
        1. before a meal
          1. removes plaque
          2. acid cannot form
          3. stimulates salivary flow
          4. neutralizes pH
          5. smelling, cooking and chewing
  4. Restorative Materials
    1. Amalgam
      1. Mercury
        1. about 50%
        2. holds caries-filling together
        3. no need to remove after 20+ years
          1. too late
        4. Health Concerns
          1. tremors
          2. kidney dysfunction
          3. depression
          4. NS disorders
      2. Alloy powder
        1. Silver
        2. Tin
        3. Cooper
        4. Zinc
      3. Removal
        1. movies.commons.ucalgary.ca/mercury
    2. Gold Alloys
      1. Dr. Thom's favorite
        1. +Palladium & Platinum
    3. Other
      1. Ceramics
        1. porcelain & metal
      2. Crowns
        1. totally covers tooth
      3. Inlays
        1. cemented in place
      4. Composite resings
        1. white filling
  5. Fluoride
    1. Pros
      1. remineralizes
        1. hardens
          1. enamel
    2. Cons
      1. dental fluorosis
        1. $$$
        2. teeth get brown lines
      2. calcification
        1. pineal gland
        2. bones
          1. brittle
          2. shatter
      3. over-dosing
        1. FOOD
          1. fluorinated water
        2. >1 ppm
    3. 1950's
      1. reduction of caries
        1. water
  6. Sensitive Teeth
    1. Dentine Hypersensitivity
    2. Clinical
      1. sharp, stabbing pain
        1. >eating or drinking
      2. bad oral hygiene
        1. 15% of adult pop.
        2. tooth-brushing mb painful
    3. Etiology
      1. enamel
        1. damage
          1. dentin
          2. exposed
      2. chronic
        1. recession of gum
      3. hard tooth brush :(
        1. removes
          1. plaque
        2. does not remove
          1. tartar
  7. Root Canal
    1. What is a Root Canal?
      1. Dental pulp
        1. problem
      2. most don't need to be removed
      3. ex
        1. cracked tooth
          1. bacteria enter pulp
          2. pus
          3. abscess
          4. damages bones
    2. Dental Pulp
      1. cannot repair itself
      2. Why is inflammation of the pulp different?
        1. What causes pulp inflammation?
          1. microbial infection
          2. cracked teeth
          3. irritation chemicals
          4. cavity prep
          5. trauma
          6. blows to the face
        2. Pulpitis
          1. Reversible
          2. inflamed
          3. dt trauma
          4. NO infection
          5. brief & non-spontaneous
          6. Irreversible
          7. infection
          8. or
          9. trauma
          10. Acute
          11. pain
          12. severe
          13. relentless
          14. spontaneous
          15. continuous
          16. tooth feels "too long"
          17. Chronic
          18. dull, deep, throbbing
          19. worse at night
          20. Pulp Necrosis
          21. tooth used to hurt, but now "asymptomatic"
  8. Cavitations
    1. hole in the bone
      1. dt extracted tooth or incomplete root canal
      2. may contain
        1. periodontal ligament
    2. Osteonecrosis
      1. bacteria
        1. produce
          1. toxins
      2. avascular necrosis
      3. may impair acupuncture meridian
        1. may impair organs
          1. Tooth/Organ Relationship Chart - Center for Holistic Dentistry
          2. smileatravecoholistic
  9. Antibiotics Before Dental Sugery
    1. mitral valve prolapse
      1. regurgitation
        1. w/out
          1. No pre-medication needed
          2. request echocardiogram
        2. WITH
          2. any procedure w. risk of bleeding
          3. does not include
          4. fillings, crowns, root canals
          5. prevents
          6. subacute cabterial endocarditis