1. 31 USC § 3801(a) (1) ‘‘authority’’ means— (A) an executive department;
    1. 18 U.S. Code § 6 - Department and agency defined
      1. 18 U.S. Code § 6 As used in this title: The term “department” means one of the executive departments enumerated in section 1 of Title 5, unless the context shows that such term was intended to describe the executive, legislative, or judicial branches of the government.
      2. 18 U.S. Code § 6 As used in this title: The term “agency” includes any department, independent establishment, commission, administration, authority, board or bureau of the United States or any corporation in which the United States has a proprietary interest, unless the context shows that such term was intended to be used in a more limited sense.
    2. 10 U.S. Code § 111 - Executive department (a) The Department of Defense is an executive department of the United States.
      1. 10 U.S. Code § 111(b) The Department is composed of the following:
        1. (1) The Office of the Secretary of Defense.
        2. (2) The Joint Chiefs of Staff.
        3. (3) The Joint Staff.
        4. (4) The Defense Agencies.
        5. (5) Department of Defense Field Activities.
        6. (6) The Department of the Army.
        7. (7) The Department of the Navy.
        8. (8) The Department of the Air Force.
        9. (9) The unified and specified combatant commands.
        10. (10) Such other offices, agencies, activities, and commands as may be established or designated by law or by the President.
        11. (11) All offices, agencies, activities, and commands under the control or supervision of any element named in paragraphs (1) through (10).
      2. 10 U.S. Code § 111(c) If the President establishes or designates an office, agency, activity, or command in the Department of Defense of a kind other than those described in paragraphs (1) through (9) of subsection (b), the President shall notify Congress not later than 60 days thereafter.
    3. 28 U.S. Code § 512 - Attorney General to advise heads of executive departments The head of an executive department may require the opinion of the Attorney General on questions of law arising in the administration of his department.
      1. 3 U.S. Code § 112 - Detail of employees of executive departments The head of any department, agency, or independent establishment of the executive branch of the Government may detail, from time to time, employees of such department, agency, or establishment to the White House Office, the Executive Residence at the White House, the Office of the Vice President, the Domestic Policy Staff, and the Office of Administration. Any such office to which an employee has been detailed for service to such office shall reimburse the detailing department, agency, or establishment for the pay of each employee thereof— (1) who is so detailed, and (2) who is performing services which have been or would otherwise be performed by an employee of such office, for any period occurring during any fiscal year after 180 calendar days after the employee is detailed in such year.
    4. 41 U.S. Code § 133 - Executive agency In division B, the term “executive agency” means— (1) an executive department specified in section 101 of title 5; (2) a military department specified in section 102 of title 5; (3) an independent establishment as defined in section 104 (1) of title 5; and (4) a wholly owned Government corporation fully subject to chapter 91 of title 31.
      1. 5 U.S. Code Chapter 1 - ORGANIZATION
        1. 5 U.S. Code § 101 - Executive departments The Executive departments are:
          1. The Executive departments are:
          2. The Department of State.
          3. The Department of the Treasury.
          4. The Department of Defense.
          5. The Department of Justice.
          6. The Department of the Interior.
          7. The Department of Agriculture.
          8. The Department of Commerce.
          9. The Department of Labor.
          10. The Department of Health and Human Services.
          11. The Department of Housing and Urban Development.
          12. The Department of Transportation.
          13. The Department of Energy.
          14. The Department of Education.
          15. The Department of Veterans Affairs.
          16. The Department of Homeland Security.
        2. 5 U.S. Code § 102 - Military departments § 102. Military departments The military departments are:
          1. The Department of the Army.
          2. The Department of the Navy.
          3. The Department of the Air Force.
        3. 5 U.S. Code § 103 - Government corporation § 103. Government corporation
          1. For the purpose of this title— (1) “Government corporation” means a corporation owned or controlled by the Government of the United States; and (2) “Government controlled corporation” does not include a corporation owned by the Government of the United States.
        4. § 104. Independent establishment
          1. For the purpose of this title, “independent establishment” means— (1) an establishment in the executive branch (other than the United States Postal Service or the Postal Regulatory Commission) which is not an Executive department, military department, Government corporation, or part thereof, or part of an independent establishment; and (2) the Government Accountability Office.
        5. 5 U.S. Code § 105 - Executive agency § 105. Executive agency
          1. For the purpose of this title, “Executive agency” means an Executive department, a Government corporation, and an independent establishment.
    5. 31 U.S. Code § 102 - Executive agency In this title, “executive agency” means a department, agency, or instrumentality in the executive branch of the United States Government.
      1. 5 CFR § 2641.104 Executive branch includes an executive department as defined in 5 U.S.C. 101, a Government corporation, an independent establishment (other than the Government Accountability Office), the Postal Service, the Postal Regulatory Commission, and also includes any other entity or administrative unit in the executive branch.
  2. 31 USC § 3801(a) (1) ‘‘authority’’ means— (B) a military department;
    1. 5 U.S. Code § 102 - Military departments § 102. Military departments The military departments are:
      1. The Department of the Army.
      2. The Department of the Navy.
      3. The Department of the Air Force.
  3. 31 USC § 3801(a) (1) ‘‘authority’’ means— (C) an establishment (as such term is defined in section 11(2) of the Inspector General Act of 1978) which is not an executive department;
    1. INSPECTOR GENERAL ACT 31 USC § 3801(a) (1) ‘‘authority’’ means (C) an establishment (as such term is defined in section 11(2) of the Inspector General Act of 1978) which is not an executive department; INSPECTOR GENERAL ACT OF 1978 12(2) NOT 11(2)
      1. INSPECTOR GENERAL ACT OF 1978 § 4. Duties and responsibilities; report of criminal violations to Attorney General
        1. INSPECTOR GENERAL ACT OF 1978 § 4(a) It shall be the duty and responsibility of each Inspector General, with respect to the establishment within which his Office is established
          1. INSPECTOR GENERAL ACT OF 1978 § 4(a)(4) to recommend policies for, and to conduct, supervise, or coordinate relationships between such establishment and other Federal agencies, State and local governmental agencies, and nongovernmental entities with respect to (A) all matters relating to the promotion of economy and efficiency in the administration of, or the prevention and detection of fraud and abuse in, programs and operations administered or financed by such establishment, or (B) the identification and prosecution of participants in such fraud or abuse; and
        2. INSPECTOR GENERAL ACT OF 1978 § 4(a)(4)(B) the identification and prosecution of participants in such fraud or abuse; and
          2. PROSECUTION
          3. OF
          4. FRAUD
          5. ABUSE
    2. INSPECTOR GENERAL ACT OF 1978 §12(2) the term “establishment” means -----> as the case may be;
      1. the Department of Agriculture,
      2. the Department of Commerce,
      3. the Department of Defense,
      4. the Department of Education,
      5. the Department of Energy,
      6. the Department of Health and Human Services,
      7. the Department of Housing and Urban Development,
      8. the Department of the Interior,
      9. the Department of Justice,
      10. the Department of Labor,
      11. the Department of State,
      12. the Department of Transportation,
      13. the Department of Homeland Security, or
      14. the Department of the Treasury;
      15. the Agency for International Development,
      16. the Community Development Financial Institutions Fund,
      17. the Environmental Protection Agency,
      18. the Federal Emergency Management Agency,
      19. the General Services Administration,
      20. the National Aeronautics and Space Administration,
      21. the Nuclear Regulatory Commission,
      22. the Office of Personnel Management,
      23. the Railroad Retirement Board,
      24. the Resolution Trust Corporation,
      25. the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation,
      26. the Small Business Administration,
      27. the Corporation for National and Community Service,
      28. the Veterans’ Administration,
      29. the Social Security Administration,
      30. the Federal Housing Finance Agency,
      31. the Tennessee Valley Authority,
      32. the Export-Import Bank, or
      33. the Commissions established under section 15301 of title 40, United States Code § 15301. Establishment, membership, and employees (a) ESTABLISHMENT.—There are established the following regional Commissions: (1) The Southeast Crescent Regional Commission. (2) The Southwest Border Regional Commission. (3) The Northern Border Regional Commission.
    3. INSPECTOR GENERAL ACT OF 1978 §12(3) the term “Inspector General” means the Inspector General of an establishment;
      1. INSPECTOR GENERAL ACT OF 1978 §12(4) the term “Office” means the Office of Inspector General of an establishment; and
      2. INSPECTOR GENERAL ACT OF 1978 §12(1) the term “head of the establishment” means the Secretary of Agriculture, Commerce, Defense, Education, Energy, Health and Human Services, Housing and Urban Development, the Interior, Labor, State, Transportation, Homeland Security, or the Treasury; the Attorney General; the Administrator of the Agency for International Development, Environmental Protection, General Services, National Aeronautics and Space, Small Business, or Veterans’ Affairs; the Administrator of the Federal Emergency Management Agency, or the Office of Personnel Management; the Chairman of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission or the Railroad Retirement Board; the Chairperson of the Thrift Depositor Protection Oversight Board; the Chief Executive Officer of the Corporation for National and Community Service; the Administrator of the Community Development Financial Institutions Fund; the chief executive officer of the Resolution Trust Corporation; the Chairperson of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation; the Commissioner of Social Security, Social Security Administration; the Director of the Federal Housing Finance Agency; the Board of Directors of the Tennessee Valley Authority; the President of the Export-Import Bank; or the Federal Cochairpersons of the Commissions established under section 15301 of title 40, United States Code; as the case may be;
  4. 31 USC § 3801(a) (1) ‘‘authority’’ means— (D) the United States Postal Service;
    1. 18 U.S. Code § 12 - United States Postal Service defined As used in this title, the term “Postal Service” means the United States Postal Service established under title 39, and every officer and employee of that Service, whether or not such officer or employee has taken the oath of office.
      1. U.S. Code: Title 39 - POSTAL SERVICE
        1. PART I—GENERAL (§§ 101–606)
        2. PART II—PERSONNEL (§§ 1001–1209)
        4. PART IV—MAIL MATTER (§§ 3001–3691)
        5. PART V—TRANSPORTATION OF MAIL (§§ 5001–5605)
      2. 18 U.S. Code Chapter 63 - MAIL FRAUD AND OTHER FRAUD OFFENSES
        1. § 1341. Frauds and swindles
        2. § 1342. Fictitious name or address
        3. § 1343. Fraud by wire, radio, or television
        4. § 1344. Bank fraud
        5. § 1345. Injunctions against fraud
        6. § 1346. Definition of “scheme or artifice to defraud”
        7. § 1347. Health care fraud
        8. § 1348. Securities and commodities fraud
        9. § 1349. Attempt and conspiracy
        10. § 1350. Failure of corporate officers to certify financial reports
        11. § 1351. Fraud in foreign labor contracting
  5. 31 USC § 3801(a) (1) ‘‘authority’’ means— (E) the National Science Foundation; and
  6. 31 USC § 3801(a) (1) ‘‘authority’’ means— (F) a designated Federal entity (as such term is defined under section 8G(a)(2) of the Inspector General Act of 1978);
    1. 8G(a)(2) the term ‘‘designated Federal entity’’ means
      1. Amtrak,
      2. the Appalachian Regional Commission,
      3. the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System and
      4. the Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection,
      5. the Board for International Broadcasting,
      6. the Commodity Futures Trading Commission,
      7. the Consumer Product Safety Commission,
      8. the Corporation for Public Broadcasting,
      9. the Defense Intelligence Agency,
      10. the Denali Commission,
      11. the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission,
      12. the Farm Credit Administration,
      13. the Federal Communications Commission,
      14. the Federal Election Commission,
      15. the Election Assistance Commission,
      16. the Federal Housing Finance Board,
      17. the Federal Labor Relations Authority,
      18. the Federal Maritime Commission,
      19. the Federal Trade Commission, the Legal Services Corporation,
      20. the National Archives and Records Administration,
      21. the National Credit Union Administration,
      22. the National Endowment for the Arts,
      23. the National Endowment for the Humanities,
      24. the National Geospatial- Intelligence Agency,
      25. the National Labor Relations Board,
      26. the National Reconnaissance Office,
      27. the National Security Agency,
      28. the National Science Foundation,
      29. the Panama Canal Commission,
      30. the Peace Corps,
      31. the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation,
      32. the Securities and Exchange Commission,
      33. the Smithsonian Institution,
      34. the United States International Trade Commission,
      35. the Postal Regulatory Commission, and
      36. the United States Postal Service;
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